Neon Trees drummer, Elaine Bradley, left no room for doubt that she thinks pornography is harmful when she took a black Sharpie to one of her white pregnancy t-shirts before her performance on Late Night with Seth Meyers.
After wearing her handmade "Porn Kills Love" t-shirt during her performance, which aired on July 22, 2015, Bradley generated some positive and some negative comments on the internet. But Bradley also made it clear that she is a "Fighter," or someone who supports Fight the New Drug—an organization dedicated to fighting against pornography.
"I am a Fighter because porn[ography] is not healthy, it does not strengthen relationships, and it changes the way a person thinks about sex, and thus their partner or potential partner," she said in an interview with Fight the New Drug. "I’ve heard of too many marriages and relationships destroyed by porn[ography] addictions. It is a real problem, and I want to draw attention to that!"

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Bradley says she knows pornography and casual sex is used in her industry to sell music.
"But I hate that porn[ography] is really quite the norm, whether that be lyrically, in videos, or live antics," she said in an interview with Fight the New Drug. "I love that music has the power to make a person feel a mood. I’m saddened that more often than not, that mood/content is casual sex, and lots of it."
In an interview with Fight the New Drug, Bradley says she would have liked to wear their bright red "Porn Kills Love" t-shirt, but wasn't sure how it would fit during her pregnancy.
But, now that Bradley has had her new baby, she sports the bold red t-shirt as a way to fight against pornography and it's harmful effects on society.
"I don’t want porn[ography] consumption to be the norm, or socially acceptable, or expected," she said in an interview with Fight the New Drug. "I want people to start to see it for what it is—tawdry, cheap, harmful, and fake 'love.' Let’s remember that lust isn’t love."
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For more on how to fight pornography, check out The Drug of the New Millennium: The Brain Science Behind Internet Pornography Use.