Have you been to this meeting before? After the hymns are sung and the sacrament is passed, the first speaker gets up to begin their talk. Only, instead of launching into their prepared material, they start with a line like:
"For those of you know don't know me, my name is Brother Smith."
"I haven't given a talk in a while--I guess the Bishop must've noticed."
"This talk is more for me than it is for you."
As members of a church that doesn't employ a specific "preacher," we've all been there. It can be easy to resort to a canned phrase or well-known transition to help ease into our prepared remarks. And that's alright. But when you line all these sayings up, the phrases change from a list of go-to transitions and turn out to be quite a hoot!
How many of the sacrament meeting talk cliches from this video have you heard before?