It's not every day that you see "the patron saint of Tumblr" and your daughter's name in the same sentence. But when you're the mother to viral meme sensation side-eyeing Chloe, it happens.
In 2013, Latter-day Saint toddler Chloe made her debut into internet stardom with her hilarious reaction to a surprise visit to Disneyland. And it was a total accident.
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Previously, a family video capturing Chloe's older sister, Lily, and her reaction to a surprise trip to Disneyland had gone viral, leaving no reason for the family to suspect Chloe's imminent rise to fame.
In fact, "Chloe didn't even come into my mindset," Chloe's mom, Katie, says in a Buzzfeed video. But with Katie's slow pan to Chloe, whose making the face "she always made," Chloe became a meme favorite overnight, appearing on several meme compilations since 2013 as well as being featured on Buzzfeed, Mashable, Bustle, and other media outlets.
And six years later, Chloe's fame shows no sign of disappearing any time soon. The Latter-day Saint has been inducted into the Good Morning America Hall of Fame, attended a Disney movie premiere, and even made a trip to Google headquarters.
"The elevator [at Google headquarters], it's my meme," Chloe explains in the Buzzfeed video.
With all the unexpected fame that has happened over the last couple of years, Chloe's mom, Katie, says in the video that if she could go back, she probably wouldn't change anything.
"I always tell my girls, 'Stop and look around; see where you are? This is not a normal life, so really enjoy it in the moment," Katie says in the video.