By now, you've probably heard the joke or seen the meme that somewhere today a Latter-day Saint couple is looking at the news and thinking Brexit sounds like a strong name.
While we may share in the amusement of someone naming their child after a country leaving the European Union, Latter-day Saints are known to be a little peculiar in what they name their children.
"Maybe it’s because we’re kind of different to begin with that [Latter-day Saints] love oddball baby names," Namberry blogger Hildie Westenhaver wrote. "We’re taught from day one to be 'in the world but not of the world' and that apparently applies to the way we name our kids as well."
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In her blog post "Mormon Baby Names: Traditions and Trends," Westenhaver explores the unusual names she's come across in her dealings with her fellow Latter-day Saints.
She says she's come across Wrangler, Smokey, Mersadie, Corporate (for a girl), Maverix, Jenedy, Silver, Xacian, Versailles, Rafter, and, "I kid you not," R2.
And she also lists different spellings to classical names that are spellcheck's worst nightmare: Payzlee (Paisley), Djaryd (Jared), Jaymz (James), Myrical (Miracle), and Jrake (Drake).
She says names for boys tend to end in an er, en, or ton while names for girls tend to end in y, lee, leigh, lyn, or ley. This leads to names like Decken, Nyler, Kyson, Teyton, Zyker, and Trusen for boys and Kyzlee, Oaklyn, Tynslee, McCartlyn, Avonlie, Chandley, Skylynne, and Chasidee for girls.
There are the rogue names that don't fit these rules of course, with Swayzee, Serandipidee, Anistyn, and Ezrie listed on the blog as well.
Whether the different spelling or the construct, members have a knack for finding unique names for their children.
For more, read Westenhaver's full post here.
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