We asked our online readers to share some cute things they're heard children pray for, and the list was just too silly and sweet not to share. Check out this sample of some of our favorites:
"Please bless the pioneers, that they didn't have to die." Such a sweet prayer from a little girl in primary, after a lesson on the pioneers.
-Michelle Mattena Harden
I'm 7 months pregnant now, and my five year-old-prayed that "Baby Brother will be a handsome fella, just like me."
-Christian McKay Egan
My five year old son: "Thank you for sending us to the right planet."
-Brooke Pendleton
My daughter said, "Please bless us that we'll work hard at school; and that Dad will work hard at work; and that Mom... will do whatever she does during the day."
-Terri Jeppson
My 3 year old (after a hard day with him and his 6 yr old brother) said the night time prayers and said, "Please bless that tomorrow we can be less horrible to mommy." Melted my heart....
-Melissa Mann
I had a miscarriage in October. My 7-year old, at bedtime a week ago, said, "Bless mommy that we will have another baby, and that it will stay safe in her belly."
-Tamara S Arndt
My four year old son prayed that President Monson would "grow up big and strong."
-RJ Harris
The day before my husband left for a YM camp we were talking about the year before when he had a very close bear encounter where he turned the corner of a building and was "so close he could've kissed a bear!" The next day it was our 3 year old's turn for family prayer just before driving his dad to the church. He said, "and bless daddy to not kiss any bears!" Chaos ensued with the older siblings!
-Danna Cruickshank
While I was pregnant, my son prayed for an easy delivery: "May Alice have a smooth ride out."
-Kendra Paslay
My daughter: "Please bless the prophet and his posse."
-Erin Mark Oscarson
"Please bless that our teachers will bring treats next time." We were substituting and made the grave mistake of not bringing treats.
-Emilie Larsen
My boys used to bless the food by saying, "Please make it taste good." I guess I don't cook as well as I think I do.
-Shirley McKenzie
While helping my four year old say prayers I said, "Please bless our grandpas and grandmas away from us," she said instead, "please bless our grandpas and grandmas to stay away from us." We all got a good laugh at that one!
-Jessica Dean
Our youngest son (4) was recently very saddened by his older sister's good fortune in getting something he did not get. Yet, when he said family prayers, he said, "and please help me to be happy for Eden" (through some tears too). It was just too sweet.
-Sam Van Thiel Berghuys
In Primary opening exercises, 6-year-old Sydney prayed, "Please bless that no one will throw up."
-Tamie Bastow
"Please help mommy to not be so grouchy. And please help Max (baby brother) sleep through the night so mommy won't be grouchy."
-Erika D. Portillo
At a family gathering at my grandparents' house when I was about 12, my cousin burned the hotdogs. I was asked to give the blessing, so I asked Heavenly Father to "bless the hotdogs that Becky so kindly burned for us." That was 24 years ago. We still laugh about it.
-Buck Patton
Since our dog suddenly died last year my three-year-old has said this in her prayers every night: "And please bless Foster that he can have fun in heaven with my Jesus friend."
-Heather Folkman Meyer
My eight-year-old daughter lately has been praying that bad guys will become good and good guys won't become bad. So all you bad guys who turned good and good guys who stay good... you have my daughter to thank for it.
-Jenae Gates Miller
My son Payton (age 5) at the commencement of NFL football season 2013: First he prays for almost every NFL team by name, but "especially the GreenBay Packers (yeah--he's named after Chicago Bear Walter Payton), and Payton Manning. And please bless that we can watch lots of football. Oh. But not on TV. From the stadium. And all the players will have a good time. Yeah. And maybe the Broncos too. (We live in CO.)"
-Amiee Rock
What fun, silly, or sweet things have you heard a child pray for? Tell us in the comments!