Jonathan Plowman

October 29, 2014 08:55 AM MDT
People say “age is just a number” all the time, but do they practice what they preach? My experience says the answer is… sometimes. As far as relationships go, it can get complicated. Age signifies so much more than just a number: it can reflect your maturity, your stage in life, and your experience. At the same time, age can be deceptive. Not every 21-year-old is on the same playing field--some are already gearing up for the ninth inning while others are just jumping into the dating game. It’s often “different strokes for different folks,” as the old saying goes. The lyrics to an old TV sitcom—“Diff’rent Strokes” —often reminded me as I was growing up: “What might be right for you may not be right for some.”
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