Recently the Instagram account @BofM365 extended the #PhotoBofM challenge to their 95K followers. The goal for this challenge is to flood Instagram with touching testimonies of the Book of Mormon. Al Fox Carraway and hundreds of other Instagrammers have already joined in sharing their testimonies. If you'd like to join in, just follow these three simple steps:
1. Take a pic with your Book of Mormon (BofM.)
2. Tag @BofM365 and share your testimony of the Book of Mormon using the hashtag #PhotoBofM.
3. Challenge 3 friends to do the same.
Here are just a few of our favorite testimonies shared using the hashtag #PhotoBofM.
⚡️Challenge Accepted!!⚡️ Because this book is my life! Because simply put, I am not, without it. I am not strong. I am not confident. I am not wise or smart. I am not guided. Guys, I get you stubborn, independent folks-I was a 21 yr old New Yorker who thought I could conquer the world on my own- but if it weren’t for giving this book a REAL chance—daily—(even when it didn’t make sense to me at first & even though I didn’t really want to) I wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t have what I do. I would not truly be happy. I would not truly be me without it. Without Him. And I hope that everyone will give this book a real effort & allow yourself to be changed & blessed the way I have been. This is REAL LIFE, guys. Real life strength. Real life promises. Real life God. Because can you think of anything more important than endless happiness & eternal life?! . Challenge was given to me by @bofm365 to post my testimony on this book. The challenge is now to all of you to help people know & try the reality of the promises given to us to become better. To heal wounded hearts and hurting souls. To receive the greater things. The never ending things. Post a pic-share your testimony-challenge 3 others to do the same & Tag @bofm365 and use #photoBofM A photo posted by Al (Fox) Carraway (@22alfox) on Mar 7, 2016 at 5:17pm PST
► You'll also like: Join 95K+ to Read the Book of Mormon in 1 Year on Instagram
I'm grateful for a daughter who is willing to give up 18 months of her life to share this wonderful book to the people of Armenia. #PhotoBofM #bookofmormon #sheleavestomorrow A photo posted by Shannon Holley (@sundanceshan) on Mar 22, 2016 at 10:26am PDT
If you are struggling, confused, or spiritually lost, I urge you to do the one thing I know will get you back on track. Begin again to prayerfully study the Book of Mormon and live its teachings every day, every day, every day! I testify of the profound power in the Book of Mormon that will change your life and strengthen your resolve to follow Christ. The Holy Ghost will change your heart and help you see “things as they really are.” -- Elder Kevin W. Pearson -- I encourage everyone to read the Book of Mormon and follow @bofm365. This instagram page is amazing! 💗 #BofM365 #PhotoBofM #BookofMormon #challenge #LDS #sharegoodness #inspire A photo posted by @gertrudgerhards on Mar 22, 2016 at 12:32am PDT
I've had a lot of people ask me how I make time to study the scriptures with three kids, and it's really no easy feat. But it's my lifeline- I am such a grump until I am able to spend some spiritual time with the scriptures, and so it's something I have learned to prioritize above anything- errands, dishes, laundry, etc. I've found that days where I don't read first- I rarely accomplish all that I need to, and it won't be as good as a day... Whereas if I take the time to read first, everything is better! I have more patience with my kids, I have more energy, I get more done, I have clarity about what is most important to do, and I feel such greater peace and faith. Like I said, it's my lifeline. I am not perfect at it, but it's my greatest and most important to-do item everyday. . That's not to say that my scripture reading is this quiet serene time- most of my study time is usually in the morning as my kids play. Which means I am often interrupted for second and third breakfast 😂 unpicking stuck Legos and wiping snotty noses. I don't mind being interrupted-it's not always an ideal setting- but this is what works right now in my life, and the inspiration and guidance still come admits the chaos of noise (and sometimes fights 😂🙈) . Today my study ended up being on healing, in Mosiah 14, and this was my favorite quote: "How is it that a loving God would allow us to suffer? I have come to realize that my Savior cares more about my growth than He does about my comfort. One evidence of His love is that He does not spare me from the suffering I need for my development and progression." (Jonathan G. Sandberg). . How do you make time for reading the scriptures, and what has worked for you to make it a daily habit? I'd love to hear- because I know we all have different schedules and busy lives! (And thanks @bofm365 for the challenge to share about my testimony a little bit more) #PhotoBofM A photo posted by Melanie Burk (@melanieburk) on Mar 11, 2016 at 9:49am PST
@bofm365 "After thousands of years, all were destroyed except the Lamanites, and they are among the ancestors of the American Indians." (Book of Mormon introduction) As a child of many nations, my ancestry comes from the Mexican-Totonac tribe and the Diné (Navajo Nation) of the Southwest. My parents taught me about my identity to the Creator, and how we were written about in Holy Writ, The Book of Mormon. How it tells us of our origin and when the Creator came among our people. We still have some of His words in our songs, dances, and even our legends. We are first a spiritual people because we knew Him. Today we have our record translated into our Native tongues. Shima (my mother) holds Naaltsoos Mormon Wolyéhígíí in Diné Bizaad (in the Navajo language). Mi Apa (my Dad) holds El Libro de Mormón en español (in Spanish). And lastly, I hold my copy of Libri I Mormonit, në Shqip (in the Albanian language), where I served a 18-month mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Lamanites are still alive. Father Lehi's children are still here and listening to our Prophet ancestors like Nephi, Enos, and Moroni speak of The Creator. I know this is a true record of my people. I have asked The Creator and He has made my heart strong with this knowledge. I pray my hogan will always face East to greet the Holy Ones again when they return. And They will return. If you do not know this record is true, you too can pray and feel truth enter your heart. #PhotoBofM challenge. #libriimormonit #ellibrodemormón #naaltsoosmormonwolyéhígíí #descendantsoffatherlehi #lamanites #wearestillhere #mexican #diné #Navajo #Totonac #hogan #holyones #truerecord #creator #morethenastory #nativerecord #strongheart #godgiven #nobleancestry #rememberrememberremember #anothertestamentofjesuschrist #goodmedicine #belongingplace #origin #challenge #lds #bofm365 #sharinglight (I invite @ndn_mama @nava_jo @begody to share their testimonies tambien.) A photo posted by April Sunshine. (@aprsun) on Mar 14, 2016 at 3:27pm PDT
🎶🎶Scripture power keeps me safe from sin. Scripture power is the power to win. Scripture power! Ev’ry day I need The power that I get each time I read.🎶 🎶 Our family loves to read the Book of Mormon and we find great power in its contents. Not fictitious superhero power, but a real power-one that is much greater-SPIRITUAL POWER! This is a power that strengthens our faith, testimonies and love for Jesus Christ. ------------------------------ @bofm365 has a challenge to follow along with them in reading the Book of Mormon this year, and this is a great compliment to our @abundantlife30 General Conference talk challenge. In just minutes a day, you can complete both challenges and discover power and peace that will bless your life. I tag @emilyeri1 , @emmasteuart @eshell_webb to join this challenge. My family members each wrote their testimony of the Book of Mormon in these copies and will be giving them to our local missionaries so they can share the power of this great book with others. Check out my blog to see how this goes along with our 2016 family theme of "I know It. I Live it. I Love it." #abundantlife30 #BofM365 #PhotoBofM #lds A photo posted by LDS Abundant Life 30 (@abundantlife30) on Mar 13, 2016 at 10:21am PDT
I open. I read. Peace. Warmth. Direction. This book. I need this book. The stories teach me. What I feel teaches me. This is a doorway. I feel power when I read the Book of Mormon. Spirituality feeds my soul in many forms. And this is one I am grateful for. @bofm365 has a challenge to share your testimony of the Book of Mormon and then tag three people. So I am tagging @kellyejensen , @melanieburk, and @haleykjar to share their beautiful testimonies if they have the chance. Feel free to share if you want to. #PhotoBofM A photo posted by Natashia | Blogger Illustrator (@canary_jane) on Mar 7, 2016 at 9:04pm PST
I'm taking the challenge from @bofm365 and @22alfox. Here's my pic with my Book of Mormon & my testimony of it💙 Elder Scott said, "Scriptures are like packets of light that illuminate our minds and give place to guidance and inspiration from on high." When I read his talk a few months ago I thought to myself, what in the world! Why would I not want to have my mind illuminated & inspired from on high? So I dove right in. We took our sons weekly challenge to us (from his mission in the Philippines) to read as a family in the mornings, then I started listening in the car as I run around town, & last week I decided that whenever I have any free time, I'm going to read. Guess what I have found? What Elder Scott said is true! Sometimes I feel like I'm looking down on myself from one of those drones & I can see things happening in my life more clearly. My thoughts are more clear, my speech is more clear, & I can convey what I want to say so much better than before. I have more patience, more understanding, & more love in my heart. Best of all I have a very clear understanding of Heavenly Fathers love for me. He knows me, knows my heart, my thoughts, my struggles, & He knows what's best for me. So what are you waiting for? Grab your packets of light & start reading to see what they can do for you!!! • I'm tagging @lalalilyk @tillycrane @akreyz @kenzalewis2 @ashton.marcus.burns @brotherichards #lds #mormon #christian #sharegoodness #scriptures #thebookofmormon #light #inspiration #faith #hope #love #peace #joy #believe #riseup #search #ponder #pray #moronispromise #photobofm #read #readgoodbooks #myfavoritebook A photo posted by I'm chelsea (@rockandlily) on Mar 8, 2016 at 4:55pm PST
I was challenged by @tinachilds to take the @bofm365 #photoBOFM challenge and share my testimony of the Book of Mormon, so here goes! I love the Book of Mormon! I love reading it, I love studying it, and I love the feeling I get when I find something in the scriptures that turns my whole day around. This book truly, honestly, absolutely has changed my life. As I read the words of ancient prophets, I'm so overcome with the reassurance that Heavenly Father really does guide his children when things get hard and that will never change. This Book is true and I promise you with all my heart that if you read it, you will find answers and you will find comfort and you will be able to withstand every storm in life❤️ Mosiah 23:27-28 I challenge @talyr.lerwill @madelynkfelix @braileebear and @cocoajane to share their testimonies of the Book of Mormon A photo posted by Karanda Heimuli✨ (@karandaland) on Mar 9, 2016 at 9:51pm PST
I'm doing the #PhotoBofM Challenge! I've been a member of The Church of Jesus of Latter-day Saints for a little over three years now. During that time I've been blessed with the opportunity to read the Book of Mormon. Life is filled with many challenges, but reading my scriptures daily always seems to make my difficulties seem easier. I know that the words in The Book of Mormon are true and that God has given us the tools to endure anything! #lds #mormon #BofM365 #christian #love #hope #faith I would like to challenge @mormon.dude @latterdayouth to the #PhotoBofM Challenge A photo posted by Mormon Quotes (@mormon.quotes) on Mar 11, 2016 at 3:41pm PST