Elder LeGrand Richards responding to a question from Dr. Paul Cheesman, Director of Book of Mormon Studies at BYU's Religious Studies Center in the 1960’s said, “I heard Brother Callis once say that when Joseph Smith received the plates he got down on his knees before the Lord and said, “O God what will the world say?” And the voice of God came to him. “Fear not, I will cause the earth to testify the truth of these things.” (Taken from a letter from LeGrand Richards to Paul R. Cheesman, Dec. 30, 1969)
While traveling through archeological sites in Mexico and Guatemala I have seen this statement verified time and again.
One of the most interesting artifacts to Mormons is found at the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. It is a tapestry, dating to the time of Cortez. It depicts the origin of the Mexican people and has a resemblance to Lehi’s journey to the new world.
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