Thanks to Utah Valley 360 for making us aware of this Instagram post.
More than 10.8 million YouTube subscribers. Two Billboard Music Awards. Over 1.9 billion YouTube views. Chart-topping albums. Sold out shows. There's no doubt Lindsey Stirling is a music phenomenon with her unique blend of electronica, violin, and dance.
But it wasn't always that way.
In a recent Instagram post, Stirling shared a note she wrote to herself in 2010, before her career took off. In the note, she reveals the deep, personal struggles she was going through at the time and a promise she made to herself and God.
Wow! I wrote this back when I was deep in depression and when my life was controlled by anorexia. This note was a promise to God and to myself. I really did put in the work and it changed my life. This was also before I started my YouTube channel and I owe so much of my success to this promise that I made. God can heal anything. My career took off in 2012 and by then I was emotionally ready to handle what lay ahead. #happinesstakeswork
Wow! I wrote this back when I was deep in depression and when my life was controlled by anorexia. This note was a promised to god and to myself. I really did put in the work and it changed my life. This was also before I started my YouTube channel and I owe so much of my success to this promise that I made. God can heal anything. My career took off in 2012 and by then I was emotionally ready to handle what lay ahead. #happinesstakeswork A post shared by Lindsey Stirling (@lindseystirling) on Jul 22, 2018 at 5:33pm PDT
Since this note was written in 2010, Stirling's career has grown to incredible heights through her stunning music videos and unique, signature sound. But she hasn't left her belief in God out of the spotlight.
During her time on Dancing with the Stars in 2017, Stirling suffered from severe knee and rib injuries that threatened to keep her from competing.
However, "miracle after miracle" helped Stirling to continue to compete, leading her to contribute some of her success to another source.
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"I know that I am receiving help from the other side. I know there are angels helping me because there is no way, no way that I could do all this on my own. Nothing is impossible when God is on our side," Stirling shared.
I am so filled with gratitude. Several weeks ago I started to panic. I honestly didn't know how I could possibly do everything that I needed to do. I was trying to learn the music, and choreo for my new show, and I was trying to keep up with the rigorous schedule of dancing with the stars. On top of that I got injured. That set me back even farther because I couldn't rehearse and had to spend hours at drs offices. I realized there was no way that I could do it all. Drs were telling me to rest yet everything else's in my life was forcing me to sprint. I turned to god and asked him to magnify my efforts because I had given all I could give, I was exhausted and still i had fallen way short of the mark. In the last 2 months I have seen miracle after miracle happen. I cannot believe the things that I have done on #dwts and last night my first show went better than I imagined it could have. I know that I am receiving help from the other side. I know there are angels helping me because there is no way, no way that I could do all this on my own. Nothing is impossible when God is on our side. 📷: @DaveDecroPhoto A post shared by Lindsey Stirling (@lindseystirling) on Nov 9, 2017 at 6:45am PST
Lead image from Lindsey Stirling's Instagram page
Blending electronic music with a diverse number of musical genres that include pop, country, rap, alternative and rock, Brave Enough displays Stirling's impressive ability to push her own musical boundaries while continuing to embrace her own unique signature sound.