Thanks to the Deseret News for making us aware of this story.
The Huffington Posttook an Instagram tour of Provo, Utah, this week to find 15 of the most "photo-worthy" and "Instagrammable" places in the heart of BYU country.
And among these stunning photos shared from users on Instagram was the historic Provo City Center Temple—plus the sweet testimony of the LDS woman who shared the photo.
► You'll also like:14 Stunning Instagram Photos of the Provo City Center Temple
'"I believe in christ, like I believe in the sun. not because I can see it, but by it I can see everything else' • • love this quote!! almost as much as I love this conference and this gospel. my heart is so filled with the true happiness that the this gospel provides. I will forever grateful for that."
“I believe in christ, like I believe in the sun. not because I can see it, but by it I can see everything else” • • love this quote!! almost as much as I love this conference and this gospel. my heart is so filled with the true happiness that the this gospel provides. I will forever grateful for that. A post shared by SAMANTHA (@sammilarisch) on Oct 8, 2017 at 7:58pm PDT
The article also included beautiful photos from BYU campus and surrounding areas, including one post that mentioned going up to Bridal Veil Falls for FHE.
We weren’t the only family that decided to drive up Provo Canyon for FHE. It was standing room only at the Bridal Veil Falls turnout. _________________________________________________________ #utah A post shared by Kyle Woodbury (@kwoodyphoto) on Oct 2, 2017 at 7:10pm PDT
A post shared by Jeffrey Isenhour (@isenhore) on Oct 4, 2017 at 1:18pm PDT
The Huffington Post article comes as part of its recent Listen to America tour to "interview people about their hopes, dreams, fears and definition of 'being American.'"
To see all the pictures the Huffington Post shared of Provo, click here.
Lead image from Instagram