We've been commanded to love others, but not everyone is easy to love. Here's what you can do to have more Christlike love for those around you. Thanks to Meridian Magazine who first shared this story.
Everyone has known a person who just makes life difficult. Maybe it’s a co-worker, a sibling, an in-law, or a classmate who criticizes everything you do, won’t listen to your ideas, or is just plain hard to get along with.
My second to last transfer, I was assigned to train a brand-new missionary. She was Japanese, about seven years older than I was, and she did not like Americans. From day one, everything we did was a struggle. As a seasoned missionary, I wanted to show her how missionary work was done, and she wanted to go about things her own way, preferably with as little input from me as possible. I prayed for strength to get through the transfer, and we did make some progress near the end, but it was a relief when the mission president assigned me a new companion.