Latter-day Saint Life

How Prayers for His Mother, Unborn Sibling Helped Grow This General Authority's Testimony


Like most evenings in the Netherlands, the wind swirled through the small attic room. Wooden beams creaked as the 9-year-old boy knelt and began to pray. Although he had prayed there many times before, this night was unlike other nights in the family home — just one floor beneath him, his mother was giving birth to his younger sister.

“In the middle of the night, I heard a doctor come,” he recalled years later. “I noticed something was wrong and that this was not going to be an easy thing. I was nervous, so I got out of my bed and went to my mom. (My parents) tried to keep me out of the room, but I wanted to be there.”

Over the next few hours, the young boy did what he could to help — he brought towels and hot water to the doctor, and then he’d go up to his attic room to pray.

Story by Marianne Holman Prescott, Deseret News. Lead image by Scott G Winterton, Deseret News.
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