With church gatherings being suspended until further notice due to the spread of COVID-19, members around the world worshipped from home on Sunday, March 15.
We asked our readers and followers via social media how they honored the Sabbath yesterday. From delivering virtual devotionals to serving the sacrament on their best china, find out the many ways in which Latter-day Saints are connecting to their Savior—and to one another—during this time.
Editors note: These comments have been edited for clarity and length.
“Here in England my husband and I held sacrament meeting in our home. He has not been well and I wept as he carefully knelt to bless it. We then studied our Come, Follow Me lesson and listened to a talk by Elder Bednar. After lunch, we drove through our beautiful countryside. It seems we will soon be self-isolating. We are so grateful to have been taught how to prepare. Facetiming our family in Utah, just now, 6-year-old Marie said ‘Grandma, we had church at home and daddy and the boys did the sacrament.’” —Maureen C., Facebook
“We sang hymns as I played the piano, ‘We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet,’ ‘While of These Emblems We Partake,’ [and] ‘Joseph Smith's First Prayer.’ Opening and closing prayers. I used the piano bench for the sacrament table, our fine China plate and cups for the bread and water, and a white tablecloth for a cover. I had to break the bread after the sacrament hymn, as I couldn't do both at the same time. We had our Come, Follow Me lesson, read scriptures, asked what everybody got from the lesson, and closed.” —Charles P., Facebook
“President Nelson and Elder Cook spoke to us today . . . super cool! We arrived at our living room church at 12:35 . . . thirty-five minutes late, but oh well! My husband also shared the thought from the Bible Dictionary about only the home being able to compare with the temple in sacredness.” —Tiffany J., Facebook
“Watched Music and the Spoken Word, had a Sunday School lesson, and cinnamon rolls. Our bishop had not yet authorized the sacrament, but [we] will be happy to add that to next week!”— Jachelle L., Facebook
“We talked about why we are having church at home today, following the prophet, and how that protects our bodies and spirits.” —Kim M., Facebook
“We got dressed for church, hopped in the car, drove around the block, and came home to church!” —Carlie L., Facebook
“We were scheduled to give our farewell talks today in the ward, so we still gave them to our family with a couple of families joining in via technology. It was a great opportunity to bear a personal testimony to children and grandchildren!” —Ann C., Facebook
Justin Allen, center, reads to his children at home in Renton, Washington. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News
“Had a sacrament meeting. My oldest son and I blessed the sacrament and my youngest son passed. Then we watched the Restoration movie.” —Bob G., Facebook
“I live with my daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter and her husband. We had an opening prayer, sang a hymn, then blessed and took the sacrament (permission had been granted to our ward by our bishop), then had a closing prayer. We then watched the Tabernacle Choir’s Music and the Spoken Word broadcast. A little later our ward family gathered thru the app Zoom and our Sunday School teacher taught the Jacob 1–4 lesson. It helped us feel close and supported together during this time!” —Jerri T., Facebook
“What a special experience it was to have sacrament meeting in our home today. We all put on our Sunday clothes. My son prepared the sacrament. We had opening song and prayer, a sacrament song, [and] my son and my husband blessed and passed the sacrament. We were able to have my non-member brother in law and his daughter with us as we studied the Come, Follow Me lesson and discussed it with each other. It was a special day.” —Jennifer R., Facebook
► See how Latter-day Saints across the globe are worshipping at home on Church News.
“I recreated sacrament meeting for myself. I sang along with hymns from the Sacred Music app, gave opening and closing prayers, and watched [Elder] Dieter F. Uchtdorf's general conference talk, ‘Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear.’ Then, for Nursery, I recorded short videos for the kids telling them how much we love them and bearing testimony on families (the lesson for today) and sent them to their parents.” —Angela C., Facebook
“My good friend invited us over to their place. I brought a single sister who lives on her own with us. I did the lesson. We watched a video on the First Vision and talked about personal revelation, how to get it, and why it is so important in our lives especially amongst so much fear and anxiety in the world.” —Christina T., Facebook
“I felt overcome by the Spirit as my husband and I sang the sacrament hymn before he blessed and passed the sacrament. I could barely get through it without sobbing. Today has been such a blessing despite the troubles of the world: I know the Savior loves us.” —Carol V., Facebook
“We set up the front room like the chapel and my husband and our son blessed and passed the sacrament, then we each went around and bore our testimonies and sang songs together. Then our son taught a lesson to his sisters about the Articles of Faith while my husband and I did some personal study out of Come, Follow Me.” —Kristin E., Facebook
Zach, Luke, and Tyler Friesen in their home in Langley, British Colombia. Credit: Kristin Muprhy, Deseret News
“We dressed for church and held a sacrament meeting in our home with songs, Sacrament and two talks. This evening we’re having primary and Young Women and doing goal setting and a Come, Follow Me lesson. Breaking it up has been nice. —Dyonne D., Facebook
“We blessed the sacrament with our neighbors and discussed the work of the Lord in our home. We read from this week’s Come, Follow Me in Jacob and watched Book of Mormon videos. It was a special Sunday of worship in our home. I should add that it was the first time my husband has blessed the sacrament since his baptism.” —Krista R., Facebook
“My husband and I got ready like we were going to church in our Sunday best. We then started with an opening prayer and song, [and] blessed and partook of the sacrament. We listened to two conference talks on YouTube and studied our Come, Follow Me lesson then closed with prayer. It was a very humbling and spiritual experience.” —Cynthia C., Facebook
“Well, we weren't late today, but we did go over! We were dressed in our Sunday clothes, sang hymns, had announcements (you'd be surprised!), and had great talks. One [talk was] on faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the other [talk was] on prophets. We were given permission for the sacrament. Our second hour was just our regular home study Jacob 1–4.” —Marcie M., Facebook
“We had a sacrament meeting and then Sunday school! It was an INCREDIBLE experience listening to my husband bless the sacrament and watching my boys pass it to all of us!” —Celeste R., Facebook
“I dressed in Sunday clothes and participated in a wonderful Come, Follow Me discussion/church meeting with my brother and sister-in-law. We sang [the] hymn ‘Because I Have Been Given Much,’ went through the week’s lesson and had a beautiful discussion. It was very spiritual.” — Sylvia L., Facebook
“We had a sweet, simple meeting. My adult daughter opened with prayer, my husband blessed and passed the sacrament and then gave a short message about how our homes are a sanctuary. I offered the closing prayer. I felt the Spirit stronger than I have for many months. —Jenny B., Facebook
“My husband and son-in-law blessed the sacrament and my grandson passed it to us. He was so respectful about it. We sang songs and listened to the message from our prophet. Planning to be together next Sunday, too!” —Kimberley W., Facebook
“It was awesome to watch our grandsons and sons prepare, bless, and pass the sacrament. Then we discussed the First Vision and shared testimonies.” —Kathy P., Facebook
Photos (unless otherwise specified) by Intellectual Reserve, Inc.