In November, the First Presidency announced that a semiannual general women’s meeting would replace the annual general Relief Society meeting and the general Young Women’s meeting. And, for the first time ever, all girls age eight and older were invited to attend. This was a historic meeting full of uplifting messages applicable to sisters of all ages. Time Out for Women asked four of the presenters—Kris Belcher, Emily Freeman, Wendy Ulrich, and Hilary weeks—to share their thoughts and impressions. Each woman brought with her different life experiences, and we want to share their unique perspectives on this meeting with you:
Heavenly Father prepared each of us for what we would encounter in this life. We are all at different places in our lives, but we all need the same thing—to feel the love of our Savior. Kris Belcher shares how she gained a testimony of this love at the General Women’s Meeting.
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We need each other—not just as women or Church members. We need each other as people. Author Emily Freeman shares how the General Women’s Meeting helped her learn why we need to seek what is common between us instead of focusing on differences.
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Former president of the Association of Mormon Counselors and Psychotherapists offers a unique perspective on the General Women’s Meeting as she discusses the song led by the General Primary President. “Come, little child, and together we’ll learn.” She discusses the importance of learning with our children to help them navigate the world they live in.
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Family is so important to this gospel. Hilary Weeks shares she experience attending the General Women’s Meeting with her entire family and how she was reminded of her responsibility to stay the course and teach her children.
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