From the Church

Read highlights from temple groundbreakings in Brazil, Chile, and Texas

Three temples to be built in the U.S. and South America by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have marked groundbreaking milestones. Groundbreaking services were held in three separate ceremonies for the Santiago West Chile, Londrina Brazil, and Austin Texas Temples on Saturday, August 17, 2024. These sacred events mark the beginning of construction for three new sacred houses of the Lord.

Londrina Brazil Temple

Elder Ciro Schmeil, General Authority Seventy; his wife Alessandra Schmeil; and local Church members break ground for the Londrina Brazil Temple.
Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Elder Ciro Schmeil, First Counselor in the Brazil Area Presidency, presided at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Londrina Brazil Temple.

“It was the effort, faith, and patience of many that allowed us to be here this morning to break ground on the Londrina Brazil Temple,” he said.

During the dedicatory prayer, Elder Schmeil asked that the presence of the temple would be a blessing to all in the region.

“May all members and nonmembers who reside in this temple district feel Your love and mercy and thus have the desire to draw closer to You through the sacred covenants made in the temples,” he prayed.

Church President Russell M. Nelson announced this temple in October 2022.

The Londrina Brazil Temple will be built at Avenida: Harry Prochet, S/N, Jardim São Jorge, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. Plans call for a single-story temple of approximately 32,000 square feet. …

Santiago West Chile Temple

Vicente Foquett Valenzuela of the Santiago Chile Maipú Stake shares his testimony at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Santiago West Chile Temple.
Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Elder Alan R. Walker, Second Counselor in the South America South Area Presidency, presided at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Santiago West Chile Temple.

Tomás Vodanovic, the mayor of Maipú, Chile, and other civil, police, and religious authorities were in attendance.

“We thank You, Father, for the privilege of being instruments in Your hands as we serve in Your work and as we strive to be faithful disciples of Your Son, Jesus Christ,” said Elder Walker during the dedicatory prayer. “This temple will stand as a beacon of light, a place of peace and a refuge from the world, inviting all to come to Christ and receive His saving ordinances.”

The temple will be built at Primo de Rivera 1551, Comuna de Maipú, Santiago, Chile. Plans call for a single-story temple of approximately 12,500 square feet. …

Austin Texas Temple

Allie LaFeber of the Round Rock stake speaks at the Austin Texas Temple groundbreaking on Saturday, August 17, 2024.
Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Elder Michael A. Dunn, Second Counselor in the North America Southwest Area Presidency, presided at the Austin Texas Temple groundbreaking.

Elder Dunn welcomed the leaders of other local faith traditions in attendance at the groundbreaking. “You honor us with your presence,” he told them. “And we want you to know that while we deem this a house of the Lord, it is not just our house of the Lord. It is yours as well.”

Glen Hancock of a local Latter-day Saint congregation echoed this feeling. “We hope that the sentiment in this community is that this temple belongs to everyone,” he said. “After all, we are all children of the same God.”

In the dedicatory prayer offered at the end of his remarks, Elder Dunn said, “Help us, as a people to continue to stand firmly on holy ground, to reach for heaven even as heaven reaches us in the form of this magnificent Austin Texas Temple.”

Allie LaFeber, a youth speaker from the Round Rock stake, shared that she had an older brother who died of cancer before she was born. She grew up hearing stories about him, holding in her heart the hope that she will meet him one day.

“Because of the Savior’s Atonement and the eternal perspective that temples give us, I know that we can live together as families with our Heavenly Father,” LaFeber said. … 

You can read more about each of these new temples on Church Newsroom.

If you want to read more about upcoming temple construction projects, check out the articles below:

► Which Latter-day Saint temples are under construction around the world?
► Here are the latest updates on the Salt Lake Temple and Temple Square renovation projects
► 3 tips to make visiting a temple open house extra special for your kids

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