Latter-day Saint Life

Here’s the release date for ‘Saints’ Volume 4 (featuring a gorgeous cover)

An illustration of temples across the word, including temples in Accra, Ghana; Hong Kong; Mexico City; Nuku’alofa, Tonga; and São Paulo, Brazil.
The cover art of Volume 4 of Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days features temples in Accra, Ghana; Hong Kong; Mexico City; Nuku’alofa, Tonga; and São Paulo, Brazil.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Every time Jed Woodworth speaks, hungry readers ask him for the release date of Volume 4 of Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days.

The managing historian of Saints preempted that question ... during a presentation at BYU Education Week.

When will Saints Volume 4 be released?

“When are we going to see Volume 4? I have an answer for you.” He said it will be released at the end of October. “The book is at press now.”

The actual release date is Oct. 29, he told the Deseret News.

Volume 4 will be titled, Saints: Sounded in Every Ear, 1955–2020. It will narrate the church’s globalization since the dedication of the Bern Switzerland Temple in 1955 and show how temples now dot the earth.

Read more about Saints Volume 4 on Deseret News.

To learn more about the history of temples, check out the articles below.

Why a ‘Fantasia’ clip was used in the first temple endowment film
What’s in a (temple) name? The origin stories of ‘St. George,’ ‘Cardston,’ and more
A quick look (with photos) at the historical treasures acquired with the Kirtland Temple
Why isn’t the Kirtland Temple being turned into a dedicated temple?

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