All the days you eagerly marked off the calendar with a Sharpie have come to this—your missionary is finally home!
But after a year-and-a-half to two years of full-time missionary service, your missionary has changed in more ways than you know.
So how do you, as a parent, support your returned missionary? Here are three helpful tips that breakdown how parents can support their RMs as they adjust to post-mission life.
► You'll also like: Especially for LDS Missionaries: How to Transition to Post-Mission Life
Taking off your missionary name tag and all that goes with it is unlike anything you have ever done before.
With so many changes and important life decisions ahead, you might be thinking, "I wish there was an MTC for life after the mission!"
This handbook, Taking Off the Tag, was written by a former mission president and his wife, with input from more than fifty returned missionaries, is designed specifically to help you and other recently returned elders and sisters move into life beyond full-time missionary service.