O God, our Eternal Father, our humble hearts are filled with gratitude and love for Thee on this long-awaited day of dedication. We ask for Thy Holy Spirit to attend us during the dedication of the Fort Lauderdale Florida Temple. We rejoice in this day of celebration, and our hearts are filled with praise to Thee.
We are grateful for Thy Beloved Son Jesus Christ and the restored gospel. We thank Thee for the Prophet Joseph Smith, through whom Thou hast revealed eternal gospel principles and practices, including the ordinances of Thy holy house. We thank Thee for a living prophet in our days, even President Thomas S. Monson; we love him, we sustain him, and we pray for him.
We thank Thee for the generations of faithful Saints who have gone before in this sacred work, for their sacrifices, courage, and faith, and for all who are building Thy work and kingdom today.