From the Church

For First Time, President Nelson Addresses Saints in Spanish, Tells of Miraculous Survival from Plane Disaster


“No matter how good you think he is, he’s better,” Elder Dale G. Renlund said of our prophet after traveling with him to the Dominican Republic.

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Video Companion
President Nelson Encourages Hurricane Survivors in Caribbean

“Con su permiso, quisiera hablar en español.”

A simple phrase, translated: “With your permission, I would like to speak in Spanish.”

But when uttered by President Russell M. Nelson on Sept. 1 to a standing-room only audience of Dominican Latter-day Saints, those words assumed unexpected, even historic significance.

They marked the beginning of what’s believed to be the first time a Church president delivered an extended message in a language other than English.

President Nelson’s gentle opening words prompted an audible response, and many began dabbing their eyes listening to his words: “Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas” — “My dear brothers and sisters.”

Lead image from Church News, courtesy of Caribbean Area
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