From the Church

First Presidency Calls 17 New Stake Presidents in September


From Canada to Brazil and France to Louisiana, the First Presidency has called 17 new stake presidents and their wives to serve in stakes across the world. 

The following are newly created and recently reorganized staked announced during September of 2017.

New Stakes

A new stake has been created from the San Salvador El Salvador Stake. The San Vicente El Salvador Stake, which consists of the La Torre and Sensuntepeque branches and the Cojutepeque, Ilobasco, La Espiga, La Paz, Los Nonualcos, and Zacatecoluca wards, was created by Elder José L. Alonso, a General Authority Seventy, and Elder Luis C. Chaverri, an Area Seventy.

San Vicente El Salvador Stake

(June 18, 2017): President—Carlos Antonio Ayala Duran, 35, self-employed administrator; wife, Carmen Elena Ayala Cañada. Counselors—Carlos Alfredo Flores Gonzalez, 55, collection manager; wife, Roxana Patricia Santos Acevedo. Rafael Ernesto Hernandez Flores, 30, store manager; wife, Irene Guadalupe Calderón Rafael.

A new stake has been created from the Eagle Mountain Utah Cedar Pass, Eagle Mountain Utah North, Eagle Mountain Utah North, and Eagle Mountain Utah Silver Lake stakes. The Eagle Mountain Utah Nolen Park Stake, which consists of the Chimney Rock Ward, Eagle's Gate 1st, Eagle's Gate 2nd, Kennekuk, Parkside, Rock Creek, Rush Valley, Sundance, and Willow Springs wards, was created by Elder Michael T. Ringwood, General Authority Seventy, and Elder William B. Woahn, an Area Seventy.

Eagle Mountain Utah Nolen Park Stake

(August 27, 2017): President—Scott Steven Langford, 39, community development director, City of West Jordan; wife, Heidi Ranae Heward Langford. Counselors—Shayne J Hansen, 47, owner, Tire Pros; wife, Rikki Michelle Urrutia Hansen. Justin Brent Pitcher, 41, elementary school principal; wife, Ashley Arloa Starnes Pitcher.

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