(Select one from each category.)
Children’s Songbook
Baptism (100)
When I Am Baptized (103)
Lead Me into Life Eternal (45)
Father in Heaven, We Do Believe (180)
Gospel Art Book
John the Baptist Baptizing Jesus (35)
Young Man Being Baptized (103)
Girl Being Baptized (104)
Acts 2:38
Alma 7:14
In the New Testament, Peter was teaching a group of people about Jesus Christ. They felt the Holy Ghost strongly and knew that his words were true. They asked Peter what they should do. He replied, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost” (Acts 2:38).
When we are baptized, we make a covenant with God. A covenant is a promise between two people. Both people promise to do something for the other. When we’re baptized, we promise to keep the commandments and follow Jesus Christ for the rest of our lives. Heavenly Father promises to forgive us of our sins.
Baptism is so important that Jesus Christ set an example for us and was baptized. Nephi had a vision of Jesus’s baptism and taught,
"Wherefore, do the things which I have told you I have seen that your Lord and your Redeemer should do; for, for this cause have they been shown unto me, that ye might know the gate by which ye should enter. For the gate by which ye should enter is repentance and baptism by water; and then cometh a remission of your sins by fire and by the Holy Ghost" (2 Nephi 31:17).
As Nephi explained, when we are baptized, we enter in a symbolic gate that leads us on a path back to Heavenly Father.
What is a covenant? What do we promise Heavenly Father we will do when we’re baptized? Why was Jesus baptized?
Younger Children: Color in a picture about baptism from the Friend magazine. Pictures are available for download on
Older Children: Watch The Baptism of Jesus, available on
Memorize the baptismal covenants listed in Mosiah 18.
For more great family home evening lessons for kids, check out I Know the Scriptures Are True.