Lesson Helps

FHE: Making Good Decisions


General Conference Talk: “Standing for Truth and Right” Elder M. Russell Ballard October 2017 general conference

Thought: “Standing for truth and right is not solely a Sunday thing. Every day our neighborhoods and communities are in desperate need of our support and our commitment to safety and law and order” (Elder M. Russell Ballard “Standing for Truth and Right” general conference October 2017)

Song: “Dare to Do Right” Children’s Songbook, no. 158

Lesson: Read or adapt the following summary from Alma 24–29 and then discuss the questions below.

The wicked Lamanites were again stirred up in anger towards the Anti-Nephi-Lehies and began again to kill many of them as they still refused to defend themselves. Ammon sought counsel from the Lord and led the Anti-Nephi-Lehies to permanently live and also offered to defend them from the Lamanites. The Laminate army had pursued the Anti-Nephi-Lehies—Who began to call themselves the people of Ammon—and the Nephite army met them in the deadliest battle since the time of Lehi’s arrival in the promised land. Tens of thousands of Lamanites were slain and scattered. The Nephites were victorious, but many of them were slain. The surviving Nephites greatly mourned the loss of their loved ones. Alma reflected on his desires to preach the gospel to all the world. Now read Alma 29:1-8 and answer these questions:

  • What is the desire of Alma’s heart?
  • What does he say would happen if everyone on earth repented and learned the plan of redemption?
  • Alma teaches that God “granteth unto men according to their desire” And speaks of men desiring good or evil. What choices can you make to show God you desire good?


Play “Mother Goose Charades.” Divide your family into two teams. Have the one person from the first team act out a nursery rhyme for their team members to guess. If the team guesses the nursery rhyme in less than one minute they get a point. After the team guesses the nursery rhyme or the one minute is up, have the second team take their turn. Play as many rounds as your family wants (Family Home Evening Resource Book (1997), 290).

For additional bite-sized lessons from the Book of Mormon, check out The Book of Mormon Family Reader, available at Deseret Book stores and on deseretbook.com.

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The Book of Mormon Family Reader will help your family discover and discuss the eternal doctrine found in the Book of Mormon, drawing you closer together as a family and closer to Christ. This new format suited for every age and stage of life makes meaningful scripture study an attainable goal for every family. This book provides your family with a simple yet meaningful approach to learning the sacred teachings of the Book of Mormon. You will love how manageable, enjoyable, and enlightening family scripture study can be!

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