This FHE lesson is adapted from Baptism, Jesus, and Me.
Purpose: Empower children to feel confident about their baptism by learning about why we are baptized, the need for Jesus Christ, and the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Gospel Principles: Baptism, Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ, and Covenants
Scriptures: Mosiah 18:8–10, Doctrine and Covenants 20:37, 2 Nephi 9:23; 31:4–13
Songs: "Come, Follow Me" (Hymns, no. 116) and "When I Am Baptized" (Children's Songbook, pg. 103)
Lesson: Have each family member write down the first word that comes to mind when they hear the word "baptism." Share with one another the words that each family member wrote down, having them explain why that word came to their mind about baptism.
After learning what each family member has to say about baptism, read Matthew 3:16–17, and point out what God says about baptism. When Jesus was baptized, God was pleased with His Son. Similarly, when we are baptized, God is pleased with us, too.
We are baptized because God wants us to be clean from sin when we enter His presence. We are also baptized to make personal covenants—or two-way promises—with God, because we are then guaranteed certain blessings if we keep His commandments. When we are baptized, we show our commitment to living God's principles and our desire to be clean of sin.
Explain some of the blessings that God promises us when we are baptized, as shown in the image below.

Discussion: Ask the following questions from Baptism, Jesus, and Me, and discuss them with your children:
● Who is an important part of your baptism?
● What is important to know and understand about baptism?
● How does Heavenly Father want us to be baptized?
● How do we feel closer to our Savior through baptism?
Explain the important role of the Savior in our own baptism. Not only was he baptized to provide an example for us to follow, but he also performed the Atonement, which makes it possible for us to be personally cleansed of our sins, perfected, and resurrected.

Discuss the three elements of Christ's Atonement and how they relate to baptism, including Christ's suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, His crucifixion on the cross at Calvary, and His resurrection from the tomb.
Seek to understand the symbolism of our own baptism and Christ's Atonement with the following chart from Baptism, Jesus, and Me.

Activity: After we are baptized, we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. While we feel the effects of the Holy Ghost before baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost provides us with constant companionship, based on our worthiness.

It's important to recognize how the Holy Ghost, or Spirit, influences you personally. This activity will help you understand a few of the ways that the Spirit makes you feel.
Try as many of these activities as you are able:
● Sit close to a warm campfire or fireplace. Notice the feelings of warmth.
● Wrap yourself up in a cozy blanket. Do you feel safe and secure?
● Give someone you love a giant hug—make it last for at least ten seconds. Recognize how much love and protection you feel.
● Stand in a dark room for a minute. Then turn on the light. How much more can you see with the light on?
● Listen to a beautiful and sacred song with your eyes closed. Pay attention to the feeling of peace you have as you listen.
Find more ideas for learning about baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost in Baptism, Jesus, and Me, written by David Butler and illustrated by Ryan Jeppesen, available at Deseret Book.
With an engaging graphic layout, kid-friendly activities, and fun questions, empower children to feel confident about being baptized as you go through short sections that are great for family home evening lessons, one-on-one time with a child, or Sunday afternoons.