This lesson on Knowledge is the first in an 8-part FHE series featuring the Young Women's values. Get the other 7 lessons here.
Song: “As I Search the Holy Scriptures” (Hymns, no. 277)
Focus: Value Experience #6
Color Meaning: Green reminds us of springtime when things are starting to grow. We too should keep growing and learning.
Have a family member read D&C 130:18–19, then have other family members read the following quotes from President Gordon B. Hinckley’s article in the 2007 September New Era, "Words of the Prophet: Seek Learning":
• “Education unlocks the door of opportunities. You will rise according to your education. Work at it. Sacrifice for it. Do it. Pray about it, and the Lord will bless you. You will see yourselves rise and become men and women of strength and capacity."
• “You have a mandate from the Lord to educate your minds and your hearts and your hands. The Lord has said, ‘Teach ye diligently … of things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of the nations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms—that ye may be prepared in all things’ (D&C 88:78–80).”
• “Each day we are made increasingly aware of the fact that life is more than science and mathematics, more than history and literature. There is need for another education, without which the substance of secular learning may lead only to destruction. I refer to the education of the heart, of the conscience, of the character, of the spirit—these indefinable aspects of our personalities which determine so certainly what we are and what we do in our relationships one with another.”
Discuss the scripture and quotes with your children. Share experiences from your own life or the lives of family members. For example, you could share mission experiences, or experiences in a specific calling that helped you learn spiritually and/or secularly.
As a family or individually, pick two hymns from the hymnal. Read the scriptures found at the bottom of the songs you picked and discuss how they apply to the song. Learn how to correctly conduct the songs you chose by using the resources in the back of the hymnbook (see Hymns, pp. 383–85), which are also found on You might consider picking one hymn with gospel principles that you can discuss, such as "If You Could Hie to Kolob" (284), "O My Father" (292), or "Adam-ondi-Ahman" (49).
* For those completing the value experience, volunteer to conduct the songs that you learned either in family home evening, in a church meeting, or in seminary.