This lesson on Individual Worth is the first in an 8-part FHE series featuring the Young Women's values. Get the other 7 lessons here.
Song: “Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd” (Hymns, no. 221)
Focus: Value Experience #2
Color Meaning: The color red represents the blood spilled for us by Jesus in His Atonement for our sins, which are as scarlet but can be made white as snow (Isaiah 1:18).
Have a family member read D&C 18:10 and another one read the following quote from President Uchtdorf: “This is a paradox of man: compared to God, man is nothing; yet we are everything to God.”
Why do we mean “everything to God”?
Read the following: The color for Individual Worth is red. Red reminds us of the blood of Christ. The Savior believed that there wasn’t any price too high to pay for us. He loved us so much that He willingly paid for us with his blood and His own life. He bled from every pore for us. He paid the infinite price. We are of great worth to the Lord and we should be to ourselves as well.
Ask family members what are some ways they know the family loves them? What are some ways they know that God loves them? Give them an opportunity to share specific experiences.
Tell family members that a Patriarchal Blessing is one way that God shows His love for us individually, by giving us specific revelations that are sacred and special for each of us. If you have older children who already have their Patriarchal Blessing, have them explain a little bit about what a Patriarchal Blessing is, and how to receive and use it. Also read or refer to the Patriarchal Blessings section on page 111 of True to the Faith. Use the following topic ideas to generate a discussion:
• What are the different sections found in a Patriarchal Blessing (lineage, spiritual gifts, etc.)?
• Why we receive Patriarchal Blessings?
• Who can give a Patriarchal Blessing?
• Patriarchal Blessings are half of a promise, not a guaranteed “fortune.” For the blessings in it to come true, one needs to keep their covenants and be obedient to the commandments of God.
• Once you have your Patriarchal Blessing, how often you should read it, who you should or should not read it to? How can you use it to answer your questions?
To end, you might consider sharing with your family a few things from your own Patriarchal Blessing as well as your testimony about how your Patriarchal Blessing has helped you.
*For those completing the value experience, continue to research and study about Patriarchal Blessings and prepare to receive yours.
Additional Resources: topic: Patriarchal BlessingsYouth article: "What a Patriarchal Blessing Can Do For You"