Doctrine & Covenants Missionary Print from MomoPrints on Etsy.
What a great inspirational print to hang in your child's room--reminding us we are all called to share His gospel as member missionaries and planting the seed of an even greater call when he or she is older. You can get the prints in several different sizes and background colors.

Future Missionary Onesie.
How adorable would this be? And super easy to make--just a little bit of fabric applique. To make it even easier, I'd just put "Future Missionary" on the black square for the nametag.

Home Missionary Wall from Missionary Mail.
Wow, what a GREAT way to show your family's tradition of serving faithfully. This would be a great thing for at the grandparents' house to show all their descendants who have served faithfully, or you could make one in your own home and find photographs of all your ancestors and the rich heritage you come from. What a neat idea!

Missionary Cakes.
These would be fun for Primary or youth activities focused on missionary work, as well as for gatherings when people open mission calls or have farewell open houses. I wish my cake-decorating skills were this good!

I Want to Be a Missionary Now CD from Deseret Book.
This fun album of kid's music will keep the missionary spirit in your home all week long! From the man who wrote "Scripture Power" comes an album of traditional missionary songs like "I Hope They Call Me On a Mission" and some all-new songs as well. Enter our giveaway below to win a copy of the album! We'll select 10 winners.
In order to enter, you must be or become a fan of LDS Living's Facebook page. You can also earn extra points by becoming a fan of Deseret Book's Facebook page (one extra point) or by leaving a comment below to the question, "How would you prepare to be a missionary?" (TWO extra points). If you're already a fan of LDS Living or Deseret Book, you already earn the points when you log in with Facebook! Once you've completed the options above, be sure to register your entries with the Rafflecopter widget below - otherwise we'll have no record of your entries! You can enter until June 19, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. EST.