Erin Grew up in northern Utah where she met her husband Adam Clark while attending Weber State University. After many moves that have taken them from coast to coast they settled in San Antonio Texas. They are the parents of 7 children ranging in age from 19 down to 4 years old. Erin is blessed to be able to stay at home and feels that raising their family is the single most important calling she could have and rejoices that she has been given the opportunity. Having been given a solid foundation in the teachings of Jesus Christ at the feet of her parents and many leaders she is working hard to pass her love of the gospel on to her children. The Come, Follow Me curriculum has played a significant role in her journey to remove distractions and focus on the scriptures. In her spare time Erin enjoys running, cooking, and spending as much time as possible camping with her family. After so many years of having little children in her care she is cherishing the time she is now able to spend in the temple.