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Elder Uchtdorf shares testimony as granddaughter navigates serious illness

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf with his wife, Harriet, and their granddaughter, Jasmin.
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf (right) with his wife, Harriet (left), and their granddaughter, Jasmin (center).
Screenshot from Facebook

While we may not always receive physical healing in the face of difficult medical challenges, the Savior’s grace provides an “active healing power” to the soul, as Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf recently shared in a social media post.

Not long ago, Elder Uchtdorf’s granddaughter, Jasmin, received a serious illness diagnosis. He wrote:

“[This trial] could have easily caused her to doubt her faith and turn away from God. However, our beautiful granddaughter has chosen the exact opposite. She reflects the light of Jesus Christ. Her knowledge of our Heavenly Father’s plan and her faith in Jesus Christ inspires me more than I can express.

“As she practices her faith—despite her current difficult moments—she stirs faith in others, especially her Opa.”

While spiritual healing power may not always be tangible, we can receive increased faith, courage, and strength by turning to the Savior in challenging moments.

As Elder Brent H. Nielson of the Seventy has taught: “The Savior’s healing power [is] not just His ability to heal our bodies but, perhaps even more important, His ability to heal our hearts. ... as He cleanses us from sin and lifts us through difficult trials.”

No matter our circumstances, we can access this divine power as we draw closer to Jesus Christ. In his April 2024 general conference talk, Elder Uchtdorf spoke about the New Testament story of the woman with a bleeding illness who sought the Savior’s healing power. He testified that we too can access His divine grace, regardless of our trials:

“There may be many reasons why we hesitate to draw near to the Savior. ... We may think that our condition somehow disqualifies us from His healing—that the distance is too great or our sins too many.

“Like this woman, I have learned that if we draw near to God and reach out to touch Him, we can indeed find healing, peace, and joy.”

Read Elder Uchtdorf’s full post below.

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