Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf and his family recently gathered for a classic Mormon event—the misson call opening of his grandson.
These moments, which are definitely a tender time for the family and friends of the missionary called to spread the gospel for 18–24 months, can lead to a lot of reflection on the gospel in our own lives.
In a recent Facebook post, Elder Uchtdorf shared a few of his feeling about missionary work and where it has led his family through generations.
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Harriet and I were thrilled to share a special moment with our family recently when our grandson opened his call to serve as a full-time missionary. This moment caused us to reflect again on how missionary work has blessed our family.
You may know that Harriet’s family was introduced to the gospel of Jesus Christ thanks to two young missionaries who knocked on her family’s door when she was a teenager. Her father had passed away just six months prior. The good news of the gospel—and specifically the plan of salvation—provided Harriet’s family with the peace their hearts yearned for.
When I was a boy, my family was introduced to the gospel not by full-time missionaries, but instead by a kind woman who wanted nothing more than to share with others the eternal joy the gospel brought her. I shared the story of Sister Eternal in a conference talk. Her act of kindness, though it may have seemed small at the time, changed all of our lives forever. After a time of darkness, fear, and disaster, light came back into our lives because of the gospel.
As I think about how my grandson will now carry on the legacy of missionary work in our family, my heart swells with joy and gratitude. We all have the privilege of helping with God’s goal of leading mankind toward eternal life as we seek for missionary opportunities.
I encourage you to lovingly but courageously invite those around you to come unto Jesus Christ. Look around; open your eyes. Think about others’ needs and pray to know what invitation they need to hear. As we seek the guidance of Jesus Christ, our Master, we will be guided and blessed in our missionary efforts.
Lead image from Elder Uchtdorf's Facebook page
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf has earned a reputation among members of the Church for using his decades of experience as a pilot to draw gospel metaphors. He has even joked about the frequency of the phenomenon from the pulpit, once noting that a congregation may be asking, "What does this have to do with an airplane?" Elder Uchtdorf's ability to draw on real-life experience and share easily interpreted analogies has endeared him to Church members the world over.