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6 recent Elder Uchtdorf quotes to comfort anyone facing difficult circumstances

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, hugs Ukrainian youth in Warsaw, Poland, on Sunday, April 10, 2022.
Kristin Murphy, Deseret News

If you’re not following Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf on Instagram, you’re missing out. Most recently, many of his social media posts have centered around finding peace amid trials or challenging situations, like he shared on his visit to Auschwitz in Poland and Plötzensee Prison in Berlin or his granddaughter’s battle with a serious illness.

Here are beautiful quotes Elder Uchtdorf has recently shared that have given us hope and might be just the pick-me-up you or someone in your life may need, too.

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For more spiritual gems and beautiful Church leader quotes, follow LDS Living on Instagram.

For more quotes and beautiful insights from Elder Uchtdorf, check out the articles linked below.

5 powerful one-liners from Elder Uchtdorf’s latest ‘aviation’ talk to make your spirit soar
Elder Uchtdorf’s 3 simple steps to experience higher joy (+ a comforting reminder for when you’re struggling)
Praying for more love and unity in the world? Elder Uchtdorf's recent post may be just what you need to hear

The Gospel at 30,000 Feet

Great for personal edification, lesson preparation, family home evenings, or meaningful gift giving, this book brings the lessons from 30,000 feet in the air into the home, teaching us about this journey of life and the joy we'll find in reaching our ultimate destination.

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