Latter-day Saint Life

Elder Stevenson Witnesses Remarkable Church Growth in Asia on 10-Day Tour


In March, Elder Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles along with several other Church leaders toured 10 Asian countries and visited with Saints in those areas. The growth of the Church in many of these areas is quite remarkable. 

Elder Stevenson’s visit to Myanmar was eye opening. In a country with 54 million people, young single adult-age converts are joining the Church and sharing the gospel with great faith.

“Only a few years ago, around 25 people attended sacrament meeting each week and there are currently 130 attending,” said Elder Stevenson. “At the member devotional over 175 members and investigators were in attendance—the most ever gathered in Myanmar.”

Currently, there is one branch in the entire country, with eight young missionaries and two senior couples serving. However, each week up to 450 people attend a Church-sponsored English class, with an average of three activities per week.

“Throughout our travels, there was a high level of optimism, enthusiasm, outreach to others and caring for one another,” Elder Stevenson said. “They live and testify of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

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