In case you haven't heard the exciting news, the prophet and apostles are now using Instagram to share Christ's lightand reach members of the Church in new ways.
This week we've been sharing inspiring stories and insights from the apostles' Instagram pages. Elder Ronald A. Rasband has shared several posts focusing on our divine talents, how we can better discover them, and how we can reach the potential our Heavenly Father has in store for us. He powerfully testified, "My young friends, go forward in faith. Be not troubled. Stand in holy places and realize and claim your promised blessings. You are the future. You have been born in this day for a purpose, for a reason. Treasure these days. Know that you're where you are by divine design. Know that you're here to accomplish the beginnings of your eternal destiny. I frequently pray for the Spirit of the Lord to watch over and bless you, each one of you, one by one."
On October 26, he wrote:
"As a young man, I didn’t understand well who I was in God’s plan and how my talents and abilities benefited me, my family, and the Church. I suspect you might have some of the same thoughts and concerns. "In fact, you may fear that you don’t have any talents—or you may think that because your talents aren’t as developed as the talents of others that they have little value. . Fear not, my friends; the Lord has blessed you with talents. " What are your God-given talents? There are talents that are visible, like being a musician, an athlete, an artist, or even a gardener. These are great talents to develop, but there are so many others that are character driven: the gift of being a good listener, a peacemaker, a righteous example, a compassionate and nonjudgmental friend, a quiet strength, one who is kind and loving. "You see where I am going with this? We must love and revere those talents that are embedded in our very natures, that prompt us to reach out and embrace others and, in the process, help us to become more like Jesus Christ. " Talents are critical underpinnings for our eternal progression. They are like fingerprints, individual and significant. Each of you have been blessed with divine talents by our Father in Heaven. He is waiting for you to identify, develop, and magnify those talents He has blessed you with."
View this post on Instagram As a young man, I didn’t understand well who I was in God’s plan and how my talents and abilities benefited me, my family, and the Church. I suspect you might have some of the same thoughts and concerns. . In fact, you may fear that you don’t have any talents—or you may think that because your talents aren’t as developed as the talents of others that they have little value. . Fear not, my friends; the Lord has blessed you with talents. . What are your God-given talents? There are talents that are visible, like being a musician, an athlete, an artist, or even a gardener. These are great talents to develop, but there are so many others that are character driven: the gift of being a good listener, a peacemaker, a righteous example, a compassionate and nonjudgmental friend, a quiet strength, one who is kind and loving. . You see where I am going with this? We must love and revere those talents that are embedded in our very natures, that prompt us to reach out and embrace others and, in the process, help us to become more like Jesus Christ. . Talents are critical underpinnings for our eternal progression. They are like fingerprints, individual and significant. Each of you have been blessed with divine talents by our Father in Heaven. He is waiting for you to identify, develop, and magnify those talents He has blessed you with. A post shared by Ronald A. Rasband (@ronaldarasband) on Oct 26, 2018 at 9:43am PDT
Earlier in the year, Elder Rasband shared how one of his Primry teachers helped him discover his talents and find courage to live his beliefs:
"I remember a wonderful Primary teacher who frequently invited me to read the scriptures in front of the class. I was not comfortable reading in front of the other children. "She told me what a nice reading voice I had and how well I read. What she said and the way she encouraged me helped me gain confidence and realize one of my talents from the Lord at an early age. I have often thought since then that one of her great talents was to help children, especially me at that time, gain the self-confidence needed to accomplish what seemed to be a very frightening assignment. "As a 19-year-old missionary, I yearned to know if I had been blessed with any helpful missionary-related talents. I felt a great desire to know how I could magnify whatever gifts I had so that I could be a more effective servant of the Lord. As I studied the scriptures and my patriarchal blessing, prayed fervently, and had various missionary experiences, several of my talents were made known to me. These talents, identified and strengthened as a missionary, bless me in my ministry to this very day. "The experiences you have each day, if you will allow them to be, can be stepping-stones that will help to shape each of your lives. They will assist you in finding your gifts and talents that will be used as you progress through mortality here upon the earth."
View this post on Instagram I remember a wonderful Primary teacher who frequently invited me to read the scriptures in front of the class. I was not comfortable reading in front of the other children. . She told me what a nice reading voice I had and how well I read. What she said and the way she encouraged me helped me gain confidence and realize one of my talents from the Lord at an early age. I have often thought since then that one of her great talents was to help children, especially me at that time, gain the self-confidence needed to accomplish what seemed to be a very frightening assignment. . As a 19-year-old missionary, I yearned to know if I had been blessed with any helpful missionary-related talents. I felt a great desire to know how I could magnify whatever gifts I had so that I could be a more effective servant of the Lord. As I studied the scriptures and my patriarchal blessing, prayed fervently, and had various missionary experiences, several of my talents were made known to me. These talents, identified and strengthened as a missionary, bless me in my ministry to this very day. . The experiences you have each day, if you will allow them to be, can be stepping-stones that will help to shape each of your lives. They will assist you in finding your gifts and talents that will be used as you progress through mortality here upon the earth. A post shared by Ronald A. Rasband (@ronaldarasband) on Jul 3, 2018 at 2:17pm PDT
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Receive more inspiring insights from Elder Rasband in Led by Divine Design.
Every Sunday during sacrament meeting we hear the promise that we may "always have his Spirit to be with [us]" (Moroni 4:3). But what does it mean to always have the Lord's Spirit with us? And how can we recognize the presence and guidance of the Holy Ghost in our lives?
In this beautiful book, Elder Ronald A. Rasband shares timely counsel and personal stories about recognizing the hand of the Lord in our everyday pursuits. Through his own experience, Elder Rasband helps us learn first how to seek the Spirit and then how to recognize and respond to divine guidance in our families, with friends and colleagues, in our Church service, and during times of trial.
Each of heartfelt stories, brief messages, and inspiring quotes is an important reminder that the Lord is in the small details of our lives. Elder Rasband demonstrates repeatedly that we are led according to His divine design. Out Father in Heaven is interested in our success and eternal happiness, and He has provided the Holy Ghost to help us choose wisely so we can return to Him one day.