Latter-day Saint Life

Elder Christofferson Shares the Principal Reason Christ Came to Earth (One We Often Overlook This Time of Year)


Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shared his powerful testimony of the Savior's birth, explaining that the central purpose of His birth was to perform the Atonement for each one of us. Read his powerful message from Facebookbelow:

"The principal reason Christ came to earth was to provide the Atonement. I testify that Christ’s grace is sufficient for each of us. There is not one of us that His grace cannot reach. The efficacy, reach, and scope of the Atonement is magnificent.
"Christ also came to this earth to provide an example for us. We were sent here for a purpose. Our purpose is to become like the Savior, whose will was swallowed up in the will of the Father. His mind was firm, and He was fully committed to the will of His Father. That is our model.
"When we permit our will to be swallowed up in the will of the Father, we will develop the character of Christ. I testify that He knows you. You are not in an obscure place—wherever you are, whatever you are doing, He is always there for you."

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