Elder Christofferson recently spoke about the need to for a “constant consciousness of the well-being of those around you.” He specifically highlighted the struggles single adults and single parents face while in isolation and how members can minister them.
“In all of this, we have to be more sensitive to the isolation and other challenges that single adults face, more than most of us do—especially single parents, who are carrying such a huge load. It is incumbent on us to give some added attention to creating a sense of inclusion, to be thoughtful about the help that they might need,” Elder Christofferson said.
In addition to encouraging other members to extend belonging to single adults, Elder Christofferson also offered eight pieces of advice to single adults for managing isolation. That advice included regular exercise, service, reading, and taking more time to develop spiritually.
“We have a little more quiet time. This is the time to learn to ‘hear Him,’” Elder Christofferson said.
Lastly, Elder Christofferson offered the peaceful reminder that no one is ever forgotten by the Lord.
“You don’t know how it’s going to work out or what is going to happen or how you are going to do it, but it will. And you can be at peace,” he said.
Read the full article at Church News.