Elder David A. Bednar was called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in 2004 after serving as president of Brigham Young University—Idaho for seven years. Elder Bednar grew up in California and served an LDS mission to Germany.
Here are a few of his talks that have touch and inspired us. Our hope is that they will do the same for you. Please share your favorite talk below as well as any other thoughts and comments you have.
10. A Reservoir of Living Water, 2007
"Not only are we blessed to have these scriptures so readily available to us today, but we also have the responsibility to use them consistently and effectively and to drink deeply from the reservoir of living water.
9. Ye Must Be Born Again, 2007
“…A cucumber becomes a pickle as it is prepared and cleaned, immersed in and saturated with salt brine, and sealed in a sterilized container. This procedure requires time and cannot be hurried, and none of the essential steps can be ignored or avoided…