Follow the Prophets

Elder Bednar’s 3 tips for sharing the gospel online

Elder David A. Bednar speaks at a pulpit in front of a projection of the Pinterest logo.
Elder David A. Bednar speaks about the importance of social media during the annual Campus Education Week at the Marriott Center at Brigham Young University on Tuesday, August 19, 2014.
Michelle Tessier, Deseret News

Ten years ago this week, Elder David A. Bednar gave a landmark address about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ online, extending the following Apostolic invitation:

“Beginning this day, I exhort you to sweep the earth with messages filled with righteousness and truth—messages that are authentic, edifying, and praiseworthy—and literally to sweep the earth as with a flood (see Moses 7:59–62).”

Recently, Elder Bednar spoke with three media personalities to reflect on this invitation and how disciples of Christ can continue to share the gospel in “natural and normal ways” using social media. Here are three of his insights.

1. Live Your Beliefs Authentically

“[What we share online] doesn’t have to be a gospel message; we are the gospel message. I think it could help people to understand that what we do is more important than what we may write or say.”

When asked what members should focus on posting via social media, Elder Bednar encouraged people to be prayerful and share things from their natural routines. As we live the gospel, he believes we will naturally highlight divine truths and the unique facets of gospel living.

“It may be that someone would simply highlight one aspect of a family home evening, and it might be that a young child would be giving a lesson,” Elder Bednar explained. “Now, we [as members] all think that’s normal. That’s abnormal in a home to have a child taking the lead in providing some instruction. … People would be blown away to think that a six-, seven-year-old kid could give a lesson. So it’s just [about sharing] normal, natural, small increments, ‘line upon line.’ That’s how you get started.”

2. Stick to Simple Truths

“Principles of the gospel are really simple, and there’s a lot of stuff that we don’t know. I think it’s almost as important to know what we don’t know as it is to know what we do know. ...

“Stick with the simple things that we know—those can be verified—and then I think all of that uncertainty or that concern can be eliminated.”

For those who might feel inadequate or insecure about sharing the gospel, Elder Bednar suggests “[doing] your homework” to understand the pure truths of the gospel. He also encourages members to align their language with messages from the Lord and His servants.

“I think the homework that one does can give you the confidence to know that you’re not stepping outside the bounds,” he said.

3. Proclaim Truth

“I don’t know that we have to defend [our beliefs online]. I think we have the responsibility to proclaim what we know.”

Elder Bednar emphasized the importance of being peacemakers when sharing gospel messages online. “If you are living the gospel, there will be people who do not agree with what you believe and what you do,” he said. “And some of them will have a disposition to want to attack. You become a peacemaker when you don’t respond in kind.”

While not everyone will appreciate or agree with every post we might share, Elder Bednar believes we can share the simple truths of the gospel in subtle ways that pull people in rather than push doctrine upon them.

In a Face to Face event, Elder Bednar shared a similar message, encouraging members to focus on proclaiming the gospel rather than debating or defending it: “In the simplicity of the doctrine, there’s nothing to defend. It stands for itself. Others may choose to reject it, but our responsibility is to declare it [and] do our best to explain it.”

Watch the full interview in the video below.

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Find Bedrock Faith in the Redeemer

In his new book, Elder David A. Bednar offers guidance on constructing an unshakable foundation of faith. Available for pre-order now on

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