Accessing your own patriarchal blessing online has been a valuable tool on the Church’s website for some time now, but did you know that you can also read the patriarchal blessings of your deceased, direct-line ancestors (think parents, grandparents, great-grandparents) online as well?
And you don’t even have to request them! For most users, the blessings given to deceased, direct-line family members will automatically populate. Here’s where you can find them.
1. Navigate to and click "Sign in".

2. Click on the Resources tab in the top right corner and click "Patriarchal Blessing" from the bottom of the dropdown list.

3. This Patriarchal Blessing page will have your own blessing listed. To read your family members' blessings, click "Family Blessings."

4. On the Family Blessings page, click on an ancestor's name to read their patriarchal blessing.
This page may take a minute or two to load, but the wait is worth it.

One important thing to note is the is a box at the top of the page reminding Church members about the sacred nature of patriarchal blessings:
We have identified direct-line family patriarchal blessings for you and added them to your account. Due to the sacred nature of patriarchal blessings, they should not be shared publicly.
If there are any deceased, direct-line ancestors missing from your list, there is also a link on the Family Blessings page where you can request those blessings as well. Here is the information you'll need for that request:

For more great information on patriarchal blessings, check out the articles below.
► How to navigate vague or unfulfilled promises in your patriarchal blessing—Q&A with Keith Erekson
► What a young Heber J. Grant did when he thought his patriarchal blessing was wrong
► Watch: This 96-year-old just received his patriarchal blessing—‘It was really an eye opener’
► Pres. Ballard’s advice on preparing for and using your patriarchal blessing