Get in the giving mood by performing an act of kindness for a stranger or loved one. Whether you pay the toll for the car behind you, set up a free hot cocoa stand, or tape quarters to a bubble gum machine, this list of acts will brighten your day.
100 Acts of Random Kindness
1. Stage an early morning chalk attack. Pick a street - yours or another! - and write a “good morning” or “have a great day” message on every driveway.
2. Find someone that is homeless and deliver them a warm blanket.
3. Visit an inner city playground and bring a surprise picnic lunch for as many kids as you can. Think coolers of drinks, sandwiches and Christmas cookies for all.
4. Find a single mom or widow and lighten her load.
5. Stand outside your child’s classroom and give each child a single flower as they walk in. Then, as the children enter the classroom, have them hand the flower to their teacher. By the time class begins, he or she will have a vase full of flowers!
For the full list, click here.
You can also read this great story from our November/December issue about one woman's experiment in kindness.