This article is part of a series called “12 Days of Christmas: A daily study guide to bring the Savior into the season.” See the full list of days in the study guide and learn more about how it’s formatted here.
While the shepherds made it known abroad what had been told them about the Savior, Mary did the opposite. In Luke 2:19, it says that she “kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.”
The Topical Guide has a footnote for the word “pondered,” which says “Meditation, Meditate.” Some of these entries are from the book of Psalms, such as “I meditate on all thy works” (Psalms 143:5), which may give us perspective in regard to what Mary was pondering about.
What can we learn from this verse?
- Mary recognized the depth of her spiritual experience. She, perhaps more than anyone, knew what it meant to have the Savior be born into the world. And she, more than anyone, would have recognized the miracle that had just taken place. Perhaps she would later share with others what she felt was appropriate to share about her son. But it seems she also recognized that some spiritual things should not be shared. Her response is a sweet reminder to us to treasure our spiritual experiences.
Quote: “I love that, after the eager shepherds left to spread the word that the newborn Savior was finally here, Mary was quiet; that she was still. I love that she pondered, and I have often wondered what she was thinking. I don’t know that any of us could possibly imagine the weight of the responsibility that she must have felt knowing she was holding the tiny Savior of the world in her arms. We can also only imagine her joy and the Spirit that must have been present with them in that sacred place” (Kim Rollins, “What We ‘Got’ For Christmas Last Year”).
Ponder: How can I take more time to be still and ponder about the Savior this Christmas?
Read: “What We ‘Got’ For Christmas Last Year” by Kim Rollins, BYU Women’s Conference
Listen: “Still, Still, Still,” from A Savior Is Born 2021 Christmas album