Though we often experience a lot of questions or misunderstandings about what we believe as members of the Church, our explanations don't have to be complicated or confrontational.
In a recent Facebook post, David Archuleta shared a respectful, beautiful explanation of the templesand the plan of salvation after attending the Bern Switzerland Temple.
This is the LDS temple in Bern, Switzerland. I had the chance to be here for a few days this week after finishing the Orion tour to accompany dear friends of mine for some special things—including a marriage ceremony. In LDS temples the marriage ceremony is different. Rather than "Til death do you part" the words are "for time and for all eternity." Mormons believe that families can be together forever, and who we are is so much more than starting just on our birthday and ending here with our death date. It expands to who we were before then and who we are after. If you know a Mormon or ever come across Mormon missionaries, you'll probably hear about this when they talk about the Plan of Salvation (or plan of happiness). It's one of the things I got to teach people for 2 years in Chile as a missionary. I'm grateful for the peace I feel here at temples, and the time I got to spend with my friends as I supported them in Switzerland. If you want to know more about what I'm talking about, you can check out and look up the beliefs. I know a lot of things are said about my beliefs, but there's no better way to learn the truth about someone or a religion than to talk to someone of that faith or go to the source. A lot of fears and misunderstandings get cleared and we can gain more respect for each other. I've loved getting to go with band members and crew to a catholic mass, hear a baptist sermon, or attend a mosque. You gain so much more appreciation and love for others when you understand where someone comes from. So next time you see a Mormon or a Mormon missionary, you can tell them I told you to say hi and ask a question about what we Mormons believe. 0000017b-174c-da2f-a1fb-976f1e490000 😉 #Switzerland #Bern #LDS #Mormon #ontheroad #beliefs#learnsomethingnew #family
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Other Side Of Down includes a sequence of pop tracks that intertwine contemporary sounds and genuine lyrics. The first single "Something 'Bout Love" is an up-tempo track produced by Sam & Sluggo. The fun loving beat is coupled with the meaningful and optimistic message that there is "something 'bout love that breaks your heart, but [you] don't give up".