One of the many ways April general conference was "unforgettable" was the introduction of “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World.”
When he issued the new proclamation, President Russell M. Nelson encouraged, "Study it privately and with your family members and friends. Ponder the truths and think of the impact those truths will have on your life if you will hear them, hearken to them, and heed the commandments and covenants that accompany them."
As you prepare for October general conference, we invite you to join us in a nine-week study of the new proclamation. Each week will focus on a paragraph of the proclamation, with each day of the week corresponding to a common activity. We hope these prompts will help you ponder the truths of the proclamation. Find a printable PDF of the calendar, links to the specific weekly prompts, and a guide on how to use it all below.
Ponder the New Proclamation
Download a printable PDF calendar here.
Download a printable PDF with memorization tips here.
Jump to the links for videos, talks, and memorization tips using the list below.
- Week 1: August 2–8 focused on the first paragraph
- Week 2: August 9–15 focused on the second paragraph
- Week 3: August 16–22 focused on the third paragraph
- Week 4: August 23–29 focused on the fourth paragraph
- Week 5: August 30–September 5 focused on the fifth paragraph
- Week 6: September 6–12 focused on the sixth paragraph
- Week 7: September 13–19 focused on the seventh paragraph
- Week 8: September 20–26 focused on the eighth paragraph
- Week 9: September 27–October 3 focused on the final paragraph
Each day of the week corresponds to a common activity related to the week's paragraph:
- Sunday Scripture: Read and ponder a passage of scripture.
- Monday Movie: Watch a video.
- Tuesday Talk: Study an April 2020 general conference talk.
- Wednesday Worship: Listen to a song or hymn.
- Thursday Time to Memorize: Take some time to memorize this week’s paragraph.
- Friday Feelings: Record your thoughts, testimony, or feelings.
- Saturday Share: Share your impressions.
Happy studying!
Featured image and PDF design by Kensie Smith
You may want to pick up your very own General Conference Addresses Journal Edition to go along with your proclamation study. The journal edition has all the text of the general conference addresses from April 2020 in one spiral-bound paperback. Extra-wide, lined margins give you space to record your impressions and document insights you receive. Available now at
August 2–8
This week is focused on the first paragraph of the proclamation. Join us in this nine-week study to prepare for October general conference!
We solemnly proclaim that God loves His children in every nation of the world. God the Father has given us the divine birth, the incomparable life, and the infinite atoning sacrifice of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. By the power of the Father, Jesus rose again and gained the victory over death. He is our Savior, our Exemplar, and our Redeemer.
Sunday Scripture
Read and ponder John 3:16–17.
In these verses, the Savior teaches that because God loved the world, He sent His Son.
Monday Movie
Watch “God Loves His Children | Now You Know.”
"One of the greatest joys in life is to feel the love of God—a love so sweet and so sanctifying that deep hurts are healed, tranquility trumps pain, life somehow seems brighter, more hopeful," the video narrator says.
Tuesday Talk
Study Elder Gerrit W. Gong’s talk, “Hosanna and Hallelujah—The Living Jesus Christ: The Heart of Restoration and Easter.”
"He lives—not only then, but now; not just for some, but for all," Elder Gong taught in April general conference. "He came and comes to heal the brokenhearted, deliver the captives, recover sight to the blind, and set at liberty those who are bruised. That’s each of us. His redeeming promises apply, no matter our past, our present, or concerns for our future."
Wednesday Worship
Listen to Calee Reed* and Stephen Nelson perform “This Is the Christ.”
Thursday Time to Memorize
Take some time to memorize this week’s paragraph. Below are some fill-in-the-blank guides and memorization tips. Click here for a printable PDF.
Fill-in-the-blank Guides
We solemnly proclaim that God loves His children in every nation of the world. God the Father has given us the divine birth, the incomparable life, and the infinite atoning sacrifice of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. By the power of the Father, Jesus rose again and gained the victory over death. He is our Savior, our Exemplar, and our Redeemer.
We solemnly p_______ that God l____ His children i_ every nation o_ the world. G__ the Father h__ given us t__ divine birth, t__ incomparable life, a__ the infinite a______ sacrifice of H__ Beloved Son, J____ Christ. By t__ power of t__ Father, Jesus r___ again and g_____ the victory o___ death. He i_ our Savior, o__ Exemplar, and o__ Redeemer.
We s_______ p_______ that G__ l____ His c_______ i_ every n_____ o_ the w____. G__ the F_____ h__ given u_ t__ divine b____, t__ incomparable l___, a__ the i_______ a______ sacrifice o_ H__ Beloved S__, J____ Christ. B_ t__ power o_ t__ Father, J____ r___ again a__ g_____ the v______ o___ death. H_ i_ our S_____, o__ Exemplar, a__ o__ Redeemer.
W_ s_______ p_______ t___ G__ l____ H__ c_______ i_ e____ n_____ o_ t__ w____. G__ t__ F_____ h__ g____ u_ t__ d_____ b____, t__ i___________ l___, a__ t__ i_______ a______ s________ o_ H__ B______ S__, J____ C_____. B_ t__ p____ o_ t__ F_____, J____ r___ a____ a__ g_____ t__ v______ o___ d____. H_ i_ o__ S_____, o__ E_______, a__ o__ R_______.
Here are some tips to help break down the information in this paragraph topically.
Four sentences:
- 1. God’s love
- 2. Three parts of Christ’s life
- Divine birth
- Incomparable life
- Infinite atoning sacrifice
- 3. Victory over death
- 4. Three titles of Christ
- Savior
- Exemplar
- Redeemer
You could also try writing this paragraph using a dry-erase marker on your mirror and reviewing it each time you see it.
Friday Feelings
Record what it means to you that Christ is your Savior, Exemplar, and Redeemer.
Saturday Share
Share your testimony of Jesus Christ with a loved one.
Find more inspiring music from Calee Reed through her album Believer. This album is a celebration of rising from the ashes, seeing life anew through the lens of faith, and becoming a more committed and joyful believer. Available now at
August 9–15
This week is focused on the second paragraph of the proclamation. It's not too late to join us as we preparefor October general conference!
Two hundred years ago, on a beautiful spring morning in 1820, young Joseph Smith, seeking to know which church to join, went into the woods to pray near his home in upstate New York, USA. He had questions regarding the salvation of his soul and trusted that God would direct him.
Sunday Scripture
Read and ponder Joseph Smith—History 1:5–14.
In this account, we read Joseph's words of what led him to the Sacred Grove.
Monday Movie
Watch “The Hope of God’s Light.”
In this video, Todd shares his journey to find God and the role prayer played in that journey.
Tuesday Talk
Study President Henry B. Eyring’s talk, “Prayers of Faith.”
President Eyring taught in April general conference, "Joseph Smith is an example of how to grow in such spiritual power. He showed us that the prayer of faith is the key to revelation from God. He prayed in faith, believing that God the Father would answer his prayer. He prayed in faith, believing that only through Jesus Christ could he be freed from the guilt he felt for his sins. And he prayed in faith, believing that he needed to find the true Church of Jesus Christ to gain that forgiveness."
Wednesday Worship
Listen to The Bonner Family perform “I Am Here.”
Thursday Time to Memorize
Take some time to memorize this week’s paragraph. Below are some fill-in-the-blank guides and memorization tips. Click here for a printable PDF.
Fill-in-the-blank Guides
Two hundred years ago, on a beautiful spring morning in 1820, young Joseph Smith, seeking to know which church to join, went into the woods to pray near his home in upstate New York, USA. He had questions regarding the salvation of his soul and trusted that God would direct him.
Two hundred y____ ago, on a b________ spring morning i_ 1820, young J_____ Smith, seeking t_ know which c_____ to join, w___ into the w____ to pray n___ his home i_ upstate New Y___, USA. He h__ questions regarding t__ salvation of h__ soul and t______ that God w____ direct him.
Two h______ y____ ago, o_ a b________ s_____ morning i_ 1___, young J_____ S____, seeking t_ k___ which c_____ t_ join, w___ i___ the w____ t_ pray n___ h__ home i_ u______ New Y___, U__. He h__ q________ regarding t__ s________ of h__ s___ and t______ t___ God w____ d_____ him.
T__ h______ y____ a__, o_ a b________ s_____ m______ i_ 1___, y____ J_____ S____, s______ t_ k___ w____ c_____ t_ j___, w___ i___ t__ w____ t_ p___ n___ h__ h___ i_ u______ N__ Y___, U__. H_ h__ q________ r________ t__ s________ o_ h__ s___ a__ t______ t___ G__ w____ d_____ h__.
Here are some tips to help break down the information in this paragraph topically.
Two sentences:
- 1. Context for Joseph Smith’s prayer
- When (Three parts: Two hundred years ago, beautiful spring morning, 1820)
- Who (Young Joseph Smith)
- Why (Seeking to know which church to join)
- Where (Three parts: woods, near his home, upstate New York, USA)
- 2. What
- Questions regarding salvation of his soul
- Trusted that God would direct him
You could also try saving this paragraph as your phone background and reviewing it each time you see it.
Friday Feelings
Record what you have learned about trusting that God will direct you.*
Saturday Share
Talking about the important role women played in the Restoration, President Russell M. Nelson said, “I think of how Joseph went into the woods to pray near their home in Palmyra, New York. Where did he go? He went to the Sacred Grove. Why did he go there? Because that’s where Mother went when she wanted to pray.”
Share with someone how you have found sacred spaces where you can pray.
You may also like Hear Him: A Study Guide on Personal Revelation. Its pages are filled with inspirational messages, study ideas, writing prompts, journaling space, and shareable cards meant to help guide a more personal study of revelation. This is perfect for carrying with your scriptures or in your bag so you can pull it out during a (sometimes rare) quiet moment and study throughout your day. Available now at
August 16–22
This week is focused on the third paragraph of the proclamation. It's not too late to join us as we prepare for October general conference!
In humility, we declare that in answer to his prayer, God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph and inaugurated the “restitution of all things” (Acts 3:21) as foretold in the Bible. In this vision, he learned that following the death of the original Apostles, Christ’s New Testament Church was lost from the earth. Joseph would be instrumental in its return.
Sunday Scripture
Read and ponder Acts 3:19–24.
In these verses, Peter speaks about the age of restoration prior to the Second Coming.
Monday Movie
Watch “Ask of God: Joseph Smith’s First Vision.”
This video draws upon all nine written accounts of the First Vision, providing "additional perspectives and insights into this remarkable event."
Tuesday Talk
Study President Russell M. Nelson’s talk, “Hear Him.”
"Regardless of where you live or what your circumstances are, the Lord Jesus Christ is your Savior, and God’s prophet Joseph Smith is your prophet," President Nelson taught in April general conference. "He was foreordained before the foundation of the earth to be the prophet of this last dispensation, when 'nothing shall be withheld' from the Saints (D&C 121:28). Revelation continues to flow from the Lord during this ongoing process of restoration."
Wednesday Worship
Listen to Presiding Bishop Gérald Caussé and Italian composer Nicolas Giusti* perform “Where Can I Turn for Peace.”
Thursday Time to Memorize
Take some time to memorize this week’s paragraph. Below are some fill-in-the-blank guides and memorization tips. Click here for a printable PDF.
Fill-in-the-blank Guides
In humility, we declare that in answer to his prayer, God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph and inaugurated the “restitution of all things” (Acts 3:21) as foretold in the Bible. In this vision, he learned that following the death of the original Apostles, Christ’s New Testament Church was lost from the earth. Joseph would be instrumental in its return.
In humility, w_ declare that i_ answer to h__ prayer, God t__ Father and H__ Son, Jesus C_____, appeared to J_____ and inaugurated t__ “restitution of a__ things” (Acts 3:21) a_ foretold in t__ Bible. In t___ vision, he l______ that following t__ death of t__ original Apostles, C_____’_ New Testament C_____ was lost f___ the earth. J_____ would be i___________ in its r_____.
In h_______, w_ declare t___ i_ answer t_ h__ prayer, G__ t__ Father a__ H__ Son, J____ C_____, appeared t_ J_____ and i__________ t__ “restitution o_ a__ things” (A____:__) a_ foretold i_ t__ Bible. I_ t___ vision, h_ l______ that f________ t__ death o_ t__ original A_______, C_____’_ New T________ C_____ was l___ f___ the e____. J_____ would b_ i___________ in i__ r_____.
I_ h_______, w_ d______ t___ i_ a_____ t_ h__ p_____, G__ t__ F_____ a__ H__ S__, J____ C_____, a_______ t_ J_____ a__ i__________ t__ “r__________ o_ a__ t_____” (A____:__) a_ f_______ i_ t__ B____. I_ t___ v_____, h_ l______ t___ f________ t__ d____ o_ t__ o______ A_______, C_____’_ N__ T________ C_____ w__ l___ f___ t__ e____. J_____ w____ b_ i___________ i_ i__ r_____.
Here are some tips to help break down the information in this paragraph topically.
Three sentences:
- 1. Answer to his prayer
- 2. Church was lost
- 3. Joseph’s role
You can also think of it as the three I’s:
- 1. Inaugurated the “restitution of all things”
- 2. In this vision
- 3. Instrumental in its return
You could also try recording the paragraph and listening to it as you get ready in the morning.
Friday Feelings
Record what it means to you that Christ’s New Testament Church has been restored.
Saturday Share
Share your feelings about the First Vision with a family member.
Nicolas Giusti (an acclaimed Italian composer and opera conductor from Rome) met Gérald Caussé (an accomplished pianist and native of Bordeaux, France) ten years ago. They became fast friends and bonded over their love of playing the piano and their shared faith. For this album, Nicolas composed five piano duet arrangements of classic hymns with the purpose of sharing the joy of the gospel. Available now at
August 23–29
This week is focused on the fourth paragraph of the proclamation. It's not too late to join us as we prepare for October general conference!
We affirm that under the direction of the Father and the Son, heavenly messengers came to instruct Joseph and re-establish the Church of Jesus Christ. The resurrected John the Baptist restored the authority to baptize by immersion for the remission of sins. Three of the original twelve Apostles—Peter, James, and John—restored the apostleship and keys of priesthood authority. Others came as well, including Elijah, who restored the authority to join families together forever in eternal relationships that transcend death.
Sunday Scripture
Read and ponder Doctrine and Covenants 13 and Doctrine and Covenants 27.
These sections include information about the visits of these heavenly messengers.
Monday Movie
Watch “How the Priesthood Works.”
"Priesthood is essential because the necessary ordinances and covenants on earth are administered only by its authority," Elder Dale G. Renlund says in the video. "For Heavenly Father’s purposes to be accomplished, Christ’s atoning power needs to be made available to God’s children. The priesthood delivers these opportunities."
Tuesday Talk
Study President Dallin H. Oaks’s talk, “The Melchizedek Priesthood and the Keys.”
"We should follow the Savior’s invitation to seek and ask to understand the truths of eternity," President Oaks taught in April general conference. "He promises that our Father in Heaven is willing to teach everyone the truths they seek (see 3 Nephi 14:8). If we desire this and have our eye single to receive them, the Savior promises that the truths of eternity “shall be opened” unto us (see 3 Nephi 14:7–8)."
Wednesday Worship
Listen to BYU Vocal Point perform “Praise to the Man.”
Thursday Time to Memorize
Take some time to memorize this week’s paragraph. Below are some fill-in-the-blank guides and memorization tips. Click here for a printable PDF.
Fill-in-the-blank Guides
We affirm that under the direction of the Father and the Son, heavenly messengers came to instruct Joseph and re-establish the Church of Jesus Christ. The resurrected John the Baptist restored the authority to baptize by immersion for the remission of sins. Three of the original twelve Apostles—Peter, James, and John—restored the apostleship and keys of priesthood authority. Others came as well, including Elijah, who restored the authority to join families together forever in eternal relationships that transcend death.
We affirm t___ under the d________ of the F_____ and the S__, heavenly messengers c___ to instruct J_____ and re-establish t__ Church of J____ Christ. The r__________ John the B______ restored the a________ to baptize b_ immersion for t__ remission of s___. Three of t__ original twelve A_______—Peter, James, a__ John—restored t__ apostleship and k___ of priesthood a________. Others came a_ well, including E_____, who restored t__ authority to j___ families together f______ in eternal r____________ that transcend d____.
We a_____ t___ under t__ d________ of t__ F_____ and t__ S__, heavenly m_________ c___ to i_______ J_____ and r________ t__ Church o_ J____ Christ. T__ r__________ John t__ B______ restored t__ a________ to b_____ b_ immersion f__ t__ remission o_ s___. Three o_ t__ original t_____ A_______—Peter, J____, a__ John—r_______ t__ apostleship a__ k___ of p________ a________. Others c___ a_ well, i________ E_____, who r_______ t__ authority t_ j___ families t________ f______ in e______ r____________ that t________ d____.
W_ a_____ t___ u____ t__ d________ o_ t__ F_____ a__ t__ S__, h_______ m_________ c___ t_ i_______ J_____ a__ r________ t__ C_____ o_ J____ C_____. T__ r__________ J___ t__ B______ r_______ t__ a________ t_ b_____ b_ i________ f__ t__ r________ o_ s___. T____ o_ t__ o_______ t_____ A_______—P____, J____, a__ J___—r_______ t__ a__________ a__ k___ o_ p________ a________. O_____ c___ a_ w___, i________ E_____, w__ r_______ t__ a________ t_ j___ f_______ t________ f______ i_ e______ r____________ t___ t________ d____.
Here are some tips to help break down the information in this paragraph topically.
Four sentences:
- 1. Heavenly messengers came to instruct Joseph
- 2. John the Baptist
- 3. Peter, James, and John
- 4. Elijah
You can also think of it in the terms of who | what:
- 1. Who: Heavenly messengers | What: Came to instruct Joseph and reestablish the Church of Jesus Christ
- 2. Who: John the Baptist | What: Restored the authority to baptize for the remission of sins
- 3. Who: Peter, James, and John | What: Restored the apostleship and keys of priesthood authority
- 4. Who: Elijah | What: Restored the authority to join families together forever in eternal relationships that transcend death
You could also try drawing a picture of the events in this paragraph to help you memorize it.
Friday Feelings
Record what it means to you that priesthood authority has been restored.*
Saturday Share
Share with a friend how you felt when you were able to make covenants through priesthood authority.
With changes happening in the Church to focus on the paramount importance of the home, Latter-day Saints are striving more than ever to understand and call upon the power of God. This includes a renewed emphasis on priesthood power. Some are surprised to learn that priesthood authority, privileges, and power apply to women as well as men. Our limited understanding often stems from the doctrine of the priesthood being taught too narrowly. This has led to many women feeling undervalued, voiceless, and marginalized regarding the priesthood.
But it need not be that way. In The Priesthood Power of Women, author Barbara Morgan Gardner explores teachings of the living prophets and scriptures to increase our understanding of God's power as it operates in the temple, the Church, and the family. Available now at
August 30–September 5
This week is focused on the fifth paragraph of the proclamation. It's not too late to join us as we prepare for October general conference!
We further witness that Joseph Smith was given the gift and power of God to translate an ancient record: the Book of Mormon—Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Pages of this sacred text include an account of the personal ministry of Jesus Christ among people in the Western Hemisphere soon after His Resurrection. It teaches of life’s purpose and explains the doctrine of Christ, which is central to that purpose. As a companion scripture to the Bible, the Book of Mormon testifies that all human beings are sons and daughters of a loving Father in Heaven, that He has a divine plan for our lives, and that His Son, Jesus Christ, speaks today as well as in days of old.
Sunday Scripture
Read and ponder 3 Nephi 11.
The Lord Jesus Christ appears to the Nephites after His Resurrection.
Monday Movie
Watch Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s “Testimony of the Book of Mormon.”
Elder Holland shares: "Brothers and sisters, God always provides safety for the soul, and with the Book of Mormon, He has again done that in our time. Remember this declaration by Jesus Himself: 'Whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived'—and in the last days neither your heart nor your faith will fail you" (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:37).
Tuesday Talk
Study Elder Ulisses Soares’s talk, “The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon.”
"To all who hear my voice today, I invite you to be part of the marvelous coming forth of the Book of Mormon in your own life," Elder Soares said in April 2020 general conference. "I promise you that as you prayerfully and consistently study its words, you can partake of its promises and rich blessings in your life."
Wednesday Worship
Listen to The Bonner Family* perform “Liahona.”
Thursday Time to Memorize
Take some time to memorize this week’s paragraph. Below are some fill-in-the-blank guides and memorization tips. Click here for a printable PDF.
Fill-in-the-blank Guides
We further witness that Joseph Smith was given the gift and power of God to translate an ancient record: the Book of Mormon—Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Pages of this sacred text include an account of the personal ministry of Jesus Christ among people in the Western Hemisphere soon after His Resurrection. It teaches of life’s purpose and explains the doctrine of Christ, which is central to that purpose. As a companion scripture to the Bible, the Book of Mormon testifies that all human beings are sons and daughters of a loving Father in Heaven, that He has a divine plan for our lives, and that His Son, Jesus Christ, speaks today as well as in days of old.
We further w______ that Joseph S____ was given t__ gift and p____ of God t_ translate an a______ record: the B___ of Mormon—A______ Testament of J____ Christ. Pages o_ this sacred t___ include an a______ of the p_______ ministry of J____ Christ among p_____ in the W______ Hemisphere soon a____ His Resurrection. I_ teaches of l____’_ purpose and e_______ the doctrine o_ Christ, which i_ central to t___ purpose. As a c________ scripture to t__ Bible, the B___ of Mormon t________ that all h____ beings are s___ and daughters o_ a loving F_____ in Heaven, t___ He has a d_____ plan for o__ lives, and t___ His Son, J____ Christ, speaks t____ as well a_ in days o_ old.
We f______ w______ that J______ S____ was g____ t__ gift a__ p____ of G__ t_ translate a_ a______ record: t__ B___ of M_____—A______ Testament o_ J____ Christ. P____ o_ this s_____ t___ include a_ a______ of t__ p_______ ministry o_ J____ Christ a____ p_____ in t__ W______ Hemisphere s___ a____ His R___________. I_ teaches o_ l___’__ purpose a__ e_______ the d_______ o_ Christ, w____ i_ central t_ t___ purpose. A_ a c________ scripture t_ t__ Bible, t__ B___ of M_____ t________ that a__ h____ beings a__ s___ and d________ o_ a l_____ F_____ in H_____, t___ He h__ a d_____ plan f__ o__ lives, a__ t___ His S__, J____ Christ, s_____ t____ as w___ a_ in d___ o_ o__.
W_ f______ w______ t___ J______ S____ w__ g____ t__ g___ a__ p____ o_ G__ t_ t________ a_ a______ r_____: t__ B___ o_ M_____—A______ T________ o_ J____ C_____. P____ o_ t___ s_____ t___ i______ a_ a______ o_ t__ p_______ m_______ o_ J____ C_____ a____ p_____ i_ t__ W______ H_________ s___ a____ H__ R___________. I_ t______ o_ l____’_ p______ a__ e_______ t__ d_______ o_ C_____, w____ i_ c______ t_ t___ p______. A_ a c________ s________ t_ t__ B____, t__ B___ o_ M_____ t________ t___ a__ h____ b_____ a__ s___ a__ d________ o_ a l_____ F_____ i_ H_____, t___ H_ h__ a d_____ p___ f__ o__ l____, a__ t___ H__ S__, J____ C_____, s_____ t____ a_ w___ a_ i_ d___ o_ o__.
Here are some tips to help break down the information in this paragraph topically.
Four sentences:
- 1. Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon
- 2. Jesus Christ in the Western Hemisphere
- 3. Teaches of life’s purpose and explains the doctrine of Christ
- 4. Three things it testifies of:
- All human beings are sons and daughters of a loving Father in Heaven
- He has a divine plan for our lives
- Jesus Christ speaks today
You could also try coming up with actions that relate to the words in this paragraph and using muscle memory to help you.
Friday Feelings
Record a time when the Book of Mormon blessed your life.
Saturday Share
Share a favorite Book of Mormon verse with your ministering brother or sister.
The Bonner Family, a 10-member vocal group, continues their impressive rise in Christian music with their latest full-length album release. This exciting new album combines sweeping orchestrations and rootsy spirituals to showcase their world-class vocal talent. Their sound is instantly classic, with roots in African-American spirituals and gospel music, but with a modern spin that gives them a fresh edge and new, vibrant energy in spiritual music. Love Abides is available now at
September 6–12
This week is focused on the sixth paragraph of the proclamation. It's not too late to join us as we prepare for October general conference!
We declare that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, organized on April 6, 1830, is Christ’s New Testament Church restored. This Church is anchored in the perfect life of its chief cornerstone, Jesus Christ, and in His infinite Atonement and literal Resurrection. Jesus Christ has once again called Apostles and has given them priesthood authority. He invites all of us to come unto Him and His Church, to receive the Holy Ghost, the ordinances of salvation, and to gain enduring joy.
Sunday Scripture
Read and ponder Doctrine and Covenants 21.
This revelation was given at the organization of the Church on April 6, 1830.
Monday Movie
Watch “Restoration of Christ’s Church | Now You Know.”
This video explains how Christ established His Church when He was on the earth and how Joseph Smith restored that Church as part of the Restoration.
Tuesday Talk
Study Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talk, “Come and Belong.”
Elder Uchtdorf taught in April general conference, "It is my hope that, in this bicentennial year of the First Vision, as we contemplate and learn of the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ, we will realize that it is not just a historical event. You and I play a crucial part in this great, continuing story."
Wednesday Worship
Listen to The Nashville Tribute Band* perform “Come Unto Jesus.”
Thursday Time to Memorize
Take some time to memorize this week’s paragraph. Below are some fill-in-the-blank guides and memorization tips. Click here for a printable PDF.
Fill-in-the-blank Guides
We declare that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, organized on April 6, 1830, is Christ’s New Testament Church restored. This Church is anchored in the perfect life of its chief cornerstone, Jesus Christ, and in His infinite Atonement and literal Resurrection. Jesus Christ has once again called Apostles and has given them priesthood authority. He invites all of us to come unto Him and His Church, to receive the Holy Ghost, the ordinances of salvation, and to gain enduring joy.
We declare t___ The Church o_ Jesus Christ o_ Latter-day Saints, o_______ on April 6, 1830, i_ Christ’s New T________ Church restored. T___ Church is a_______ in the p______ life of i__ chief cornerstone, J____ Christ, and i_ His infinite A________ and literal R___________. Jesus Christ h__ once again c_____ Apostles and h__ given them p_________ authority. He i______ all of u_ to come u___ Him and H__ Church, to r______ the Holy G____, the ordinances o_ salvation, and t_ gain enduring j__.
We d______ t___ The C_____ o_ Jesus C_____ o_ Latter-day S_____, o_______ on A_____,_____, i_ Christ’s N__ T________ Church r_______. T___ Church i_ a_______ in t__ p______ life o_ i__ chief c__________, J____ Christ, a__ i_ His i______ A________ and l______ R___________. Jesus C_____ h__ once a____ c_____ Apostles a__ h__ given t___ p_________ authority. H_ i______ all o_ u_ to c___ u___ Him a__ H__ Church, t_ r______ the H___ G____, the o_________ o_ salvation, a__ t_ gain e_______ j__.
W_ d______ t___ T__ C_____ o_ J____ C_____ o_ L____-___ S_____, o_______ o_ A_____,_____, i_ C____’_ N__ T________ C_____ r_______. T___ C_____ i_ a_______ i_ t__ p______ l___ o_ i__ c____ c__________, J____ C____, a__ i_ H__ i______ A________ a__ l______ R___________. J____ C_____ h__ o___ a____ c_____ A_______ a__ h__ g____ t___ p_________ a________. H_ i______ a__ o_ u_ t_ c___ u___ H__ a__ H__ C_____, t_ r______ t__ H___ G____, t__ o_________ o_ s_________, a__ t_ g___ e_______ j__.
Here are some tips to help break down the information in this paragraph topically.
Four sentences:
- 1. Church organized on April 6, 1830
- 2. Anchored in Jesus Christ
- Parts to remember:
- • Anchored in the perfect life
- • Chief cornerstone, Jesus Christ
- • His infinite Atonement
- • His literal Resurrection
- Parts to remember:
- 3. Called Apostles and has given them priesthood authority
- 4. Invites all to come unto Him and His Church
- Three things we receive:
- • The Holy Ghost
- • The ordinances of salvation
- • Enduring joy
- Three things we receive:
You could also try writing the words of the paragraph down on one notecard each and taking away words as you learn the paragraph.
Friday Feelings
Record your testimony of the restored gospel.
Saturday Share
Share with a family member how the Savior and His Church have brought you enduring joy.
The Nashville Tribute Band pays tribute to the hymns in their newest album, Praise. They set out to do versions of these carefully selected hymns in ways that nobody else has done before. In this album, you’ll find exciting melody and meter variations and refreshing medleys that breathe new life into familiar hymns while staying true to the core of each song. Available now at
September 13–19
This week is focused on the seventh paragraph of the proclamation. It's not too late to join us as we prepare for October general conference!
Two hundred years have now elapsed since this Restoration was initiated by God the Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Millions throughout the world have embraced a knowledge of these prophesied events.
Sunday Scripture
Read and ponder Doctrine and Covenants 33.
In this revelation, the Lord declares the Church is established. He says the elect will be gathered from the four quarters of the earth.*
Monday Movie
Watch “Inviting Others to ‘Come and See.'”
This video shows some of the simple ways we can invite others to "come and see."
Tuesday Talk
Study Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s talk, “Sharing the Message of the Restoration and the Resurrection.”
In April general conference, Elder Christofferson taught, "The revelations of the First Vision were not for Joseph Smith alone but are offered as light and truth for any who 'lack wisdom' (James 1:5). The Book of Mormon is the possession of mankind. The priesthood ordinances of salvation and exaltation were prepared for every individual, including those who no longer dwell in mortality. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its blessings are intended for all who want them. The gift of the Holy Ghost is meant for everyone. The Restoration belongs to the world, and its message is especially urgent today."
Wednesday Worship
Listen to The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square perform “The Spirit of God.”
Thursday Time to Memorize
Take some time to memorize this week’s paragraph. Below are some fill-in-the-blank guides and memorization tips. Click here for a printable PDF.
Fill-in-the-blank Guides
Two hundred years have now elapsed since this Restoration was initiated by God the Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Millions throughout the world have embraced a knowledge of these prophesied events.
Two hundred y____ have now e______ since this R__________ was initiated b_ God the F_____ and His B_______ Son, Jesus C_____. Millions throughout t__ world have e_______ a knowledge o_ these prophesied e_____.
Two h______ y____ have n__ e______ since t___ R__________ was i________ b_ God t__ F_____ and H__ B_______ Son, J____ C_____. Millions t_________ t__ world h___ e_______ a k________ o_ these p_________ e_____.
T__ h______ y____ h___ n__ e______ s___ t___ R__________ w__ i________ b_ G__ t__ F_____ a__ H__ B_______ S__, J____ C_____. M_______ t_________ t__ w____ h___ e_______ a k________ o_ t____ p_________ e_____.
Here are some tips to help break down the information in this paragraph topically.
Two sentences:
- 1. Restoration was initiated
- 2. Embraced a knowledge
Both sentences start with numbers: Two hundred years and millions
You could also try highlighting each word in a different color based on what figure of speech it is (i.e. nouns=blue, verbs=green, adjectives=yellow).
Friday Feelings
Record how you “have embraced a knowledge of these prophesied events.”
Saturday Share
Find a simple way to invite someone to "come and see." Some ideas could be sharing a video or song from this countdown on social media, inviting someone to do a virtual Come, Follow Me study with you, or sending a letter with your testimony to a friend or family member.
* As we often hear, Joseph Smith's First Vision is foundational to the restored gospel: no Vision, no Restoration. It all starts there. If a major encounter between a fourteen-year-old boy and the Gods of the universe did not occur, then all that we teach and practice, all the good we strive to do in the name of Christian service, is vain and superficial—in the long run, it would have no saving significance for the children of God.
What receives much less attention, however, is what we learn from Joseph's encounter with God the Eternal Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. When we begin to explore the theological concepts discovered, the lessons derived, and the principles learned from the Vision, we move into the realm of doctrine—and doctrine has the power to save. I Saw a Pillar of Light is available now at
September 20–26
This week is focused on the eighth paragraph of the proclamation. It's not too late tojoin us as we prepare for October general conference!
We gladly declare that the promised Restoration goes forward through continuing revelation. The earth will never again be the same, as God will “gather together in one all things in Christ” (Ephesians 1:10).
Sunday Scripture
Read and ponder Ephesians 1.
Paul testifies of the Restoration in the latter-days.
Monday Movie
Watch “A Sacred Proclamation | A behind-the-scenes look at filming the bicentennial proclamation.”
In this video, President Jean B. Bingham and President Joy D. Jones describe what it was like to watch President Nelson film the reading of the proclamation. “I remember prior to the filming beginning when President Nelson looked up—just for a moment—but he looked up to the heavens. And at that moment I thought, 'The heavens truly are just as open as they were when the Prophet Joseph was in that grove,'” says President Jones in the video.
Tuesday Talk
Study Elder Quentin L. Cook’s talk, “The Blessing of Continuing Revelation to Prophets and Personal Revelation to Guide Our Lives.”
"I declare with all solemnity that continuous revelation has been received and is being received through channels the Lord has established. I testify the new proclamation President Nelson delivered this morning is a revelation to bless all people," Elder Cook said in April general conference.
Wednesday Worship
Listen to The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square perform “Hark, All Ye Nations!”.
Thursday Time to Memorize
Take some time to memorize this week’s paragraph. Below are some fill-in-the-blank guides and memorization tips. Click here for a printable PDF.
Fill-in-the-blank Guides
We gladly declare that the promised Restoration goes forward through continuing revelation. The earth will never again be the same, as God will “gather together in one all things in Christ” (Ephesians 1:10).
We gladly d______ that the p_______ Restoration goes f______ through continuing r_________. The earth w___ never again b_ the same, a_ God will “g_____ together in o__ all things i_ Christ” (Ephesians 1:10).
We g_____ d______ that t__ p_______ Restoration g___ f______ through c_________ r_________. The e____ w___ never a_____ b_ the s___, a_ God w___ “g_____ together i_ o__ all t_____ i_ Christ” (E_________:__).
W_ g_____ d______ t___ t__ p_______ R__________ g___ f______ t______ c_________ r_________. T__ e____ w___ n____ a_____ b_ t__ s___, a_ G__ w___ “g_____ t_______ i_ o__ a__ t_____ i_ C_____” (E_________:__).
Here are some tips to help break down the information in this paragraph topically.
Two sentences with two parts each:
- 1. Restoration goes forward | through continuing revelation
- 2. The earth will never again be the same | God will “gather together in one all things in Christ”
You could also try reciting the paragraph out loud with a friend.
Friday Feelings
Record an experience you’ve had with revelation.*
Saturday Share
Share with a loved one something you are seeking revelation for, such as a question you have or a decision you are trying to make.
* Following up David Butler's bestselling Almighty and Redeemer, this engaging book for teens walks readers through the various roles the Spirit takes in our lives. From the comforter to witness to guide to companion, Spirit helps readers learn what the Holy Ghost can do for them, how to recognize His promptings, and how to use His promises and privileges in their lives on a day-to-day basis. Spirit is available now at
September 27–October 3
This week is focused on the final paragraph of the proclamation. It's not too late to join us as we prepare for general conference this weekend!
With reverence and gratitude, we as His Apostles invite all to know—as we do—that the heavens are open. We affirm that God is making known His will for His beloved sons and daughters. We testify that those who prayerfully study the message of the Restoration and act in faith will be blessed to gain their own witness of its divinity and of its purpose to prepare the world for the promised Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Sunday Scripture
Read and ponder Moroni 10.
Moroni concludes the Book of Mormon with a promise that those who pray and ask God about its veracity will receive a witness.
Monday Movie
Watch one of the “How I #HearHim” videos.
At the end of April, Church Newsroom shared the following about the #HearHim series:
During a historic April 2020 general conference, President Russell M. Nelson emphasized the importance of hearing Christ through personal revelation. He stated, "As we seek to be disciples of Jesus Christ, our efforts to hear Him need to be ever more intentional. It takes conscious and consistent effort to fill our daily lives with His words, His teachings, His truths." With this emphasis, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is releasing videos from Church leaders sharing how they #HearHim.
Tuesday Talk
Study President Henry B. Eyring’s talk, “He Goes before Us.”
"The Lord is leading the Restoration of His gospel and His Church," President Eyring said in April 2020 general conference. "He goes before us. He knows the future perfectly. He invites you to the work. He joins you in it. He has in place a plan for your service. And even as you sacrifice, you will feel joy as you help others rise to be ready for His coming."
Wednesday Worship
Listen to a worldwide choir perform “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet.”
Thursday Time to Memorize
Take some time to memorize this week’s paragraph. Below are some fill-in-the-blank guides and memorization tips. Click here for a printable PDF.
Fill-in-the-blank Guides
With reverence and gratitude, we as His Apostles invite all to know—as we do—that the heavens are open. We affirm that God is making known His will for His beloved sons and daughters. We testify that those who prayerfully study the message of the Restoration and act in faith will be blessed to gain their own witness of its divinity and of its purpose to prepare the world for the promised Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
With reverence a__ gratitude, we a_ His Apostles i_____ all to k___—as we d_—that the h______ are open. W_ affirm that G__ is making k____ His will f__ His beloved s___ and daughters. W_ testify that t____ who prayerfully s____ the message o_ the Restoration a__ act in f____ will be b______ to gain t____ own witness o_ its divinity a__ of its p______ to prepare t__ world for t__ promised Second C_____ of our L___ and Savior, J____ Christ.
With r________ a__ gratitude, w_ a_ His A_______ i_____ all t_ k___—as w_ d_—that t__ h______ are o___. W_ affirm t___ G__ is m_____ k____ His w___ f__ His b______ s___ and d________. W_ testify t___ t____ who p__________ s____ the m______ o_ the R__________ a__ act i_ f____ will b_ b______ to g___ t____ own w______ o_ its d_______ a__ of i__ p______ to p______ t__ world f__ t__ promised S_____ C_____ of o__ L___ and S_____, J____ Christ.
W___ r________ a__ g________, w_ a_ H__ A_______ i_____ a__ t_ k___—a_ w_ d_—t___ t__ h______ a__ o___. W_ a_____ t___ G__ i_ m_____ k____ H__ w___ f__ H__ b______ s___ a__ d________. W_ t______ t___ t____ w__ p__________ s____ t__ m______ o_ t__ R__________ a__ a__ i_ f____ w___ b_ b______ t_ g___ t____ o__ w______ o_ i__ d_______ a__ o_ i__ p______ t_ p______ t__ w____ f__ t__ p_______ S_____ C_____ o_ o__ L___ a__ S_____, J____ C_____.
Here are some tips to help break down the information in this paragraph topically.
Three sentences:
- 1. The heavens are open
- 2. God is making known His will
- 3. Prayerfully study the message | act in faith | gain their own witness | prepare the world for the promised Second Coming
You could also try using acronyms to associate words in the sentence with a specific order (i.e. for the topics in the third sentence, "Polly and Gary play").
Friday Feelings
Record an experience you’ve had with God making known His will for you.
Saturday Share
Invite someone to watch October general conference.
Bonus: Don't let your studying stop here! Stay tuned in to conference and help your kids stay involved with it as well with the Deseret Book Conference Packet, full of related coloring sheets, conference bingo, and more. Available now at
