Recently, I saw a creative idea on Facebook about how to incorporate Come, Follow Me into ordinary, daily. Jessica Dyer posted that she creates a topic jar, writing down headings or questions from each weeks' lesson, and pulls out a slip of paper at dinner or other random times through the week.
For me, the struggle with Come, Follow Me has been how I can use this resource in a way that feels genuine to my family and our situation. I know that the majority of the members of the Church have family and living situations that don't look like a mom and dad with their happy children gathered around on the couch. Many are divorced, single, members of blended families, LGBTQ, childless, the only member of their family, or struggling with doubt, depression, anxiety, heavy workloads, balancing life's demands, etc.
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After reading Jessica's post, it made me wonder: How are other people incorporating the curriculum in ways that work best for them? How can their examples spark my own ideas?
So I turned to our readers on Facebook, and they had some fascinating insights. (If you have others to share, I would love to hear them. Please email them in to
Here are just a few ways members of the Church have incorporated Come, Follow Me into their lives. Whatever your situation, I hope these can provide some inspiration as you find what works best for your family:
Editor's note: The following responses have been edited for length and clarity.
Allison Heaton: We have small kids so we break it up and do a section each night with a longer review session on Sundays. It’s been amazing!!! My kids . . . they know at 8:30 they are on the couch with their scriptures and study guides and the are so eager to learn! It’s really changed the spirit in our home!
Tara Simmons West: Do what you can, when you can!
Mary McMullen Wright: I take my manual to work with me and study during the slow times on the job or on breaks. I write all over my book in pencil and then when we cover the lesson on Sunday I make my new insights in pen.
Michelle Callister Burk Our family mirrors the phone onto the TV, and we read it straight from LDS Tools. It’s so fantastic to bounce back-and-forth between the curriculum and the Scriptures looking them up immediately, all ages can read and take turns, the videos play automatically. We try to do a little section every night for 10 to 15 minutes. It’s awesome! Deneigh Fletcher Candland We have a designated basket/area for all our materials so we aren’t wasting time looking for everything each night. And yes we do a little each night because we have a 6 year old and a baby so our attention span is short and sweet! 0000017b-177c-da2f-a1fb-977fee0f0000 Jeannette Croushore DeGraffenried On Mondays we tell the topic and scriptures for the week. We read the first part then assign each of the kids a section to teach about. Then on Sunday each person teaches their section and we discuss it.
Lauri Dory Farr: I love using conference talks on topics.
Annette Ash: Sunday evening at 6 with all our children, nephew, and grandchildren, we take turns facilitating the discussions. This occurs after we have all enjoyed a meal together. After the discussion is dessert. Annette Atwood We bought notebooks at the dollar store. Each day we have a portion of the lesson and record the date, day's topic or scripture and write how we feel and what we think about the topic. We set goals related to the topic for that week. Saturday we have family testimony meeting. Elina Hanson Brown: We've chosen three nights per week to do it. One family member is assigned the night and chooses something from the week's reading to read and discuss together. We keep it generally short and simple. Shelly Hale: My husband and I read the scriptures and talk about the lesson segments on Sunday. During the week we attend a study group with friends as well as talk about additional resources—articles, podcasts, Bible Dictionary, etc.—that we read or hear almost daily. It is broadening our gospel study and especially helping me as a gospel teacher. Chavon Schweichler-Fryske: Just do it!! I think sometimes we over think things. Just start and it will naturally become integrated! Whitney Laub: My sister-in-law and I have a blog and Instagram and Facebook page so we can share our ideas with friends and family and give encouragement! We do it whenever we can find the time! Stephen Pettegrew: Pray and then start.