Lesson Helps

“Come, Follow Me” May 6–12: “Rejoice with Me; for I Have Found My Sheep Which Was Lost”


This week’s readings: Luke 12–17; John 11

Don’t forget to record your impressions and read the ideas outlined in the newCome, Follow Me manuals on ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

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Scripture Insight

This scriptural insight comes from Verse by Verse: Volume 1 by Andrew C. Skinner and D. Kelly Ogden.

Mammon is an Aramaic term referring to worldly riches or wealth. It is true that we cannot have one foot in the kingdom and one foot still in the world. It is not possible to walk that way. No man can serve two masters. Service to God and the pursuit of worldly wealth are mutually exclusive enterprises for those called to the holy apostleship or full-time Church service. La’avod in Hebrew means to serve; it also means to work and to worship. It is certainly not possible to serve or worship two opposite lords at the same time. . . . If our objective is to serve God and flee mammon, why would Luke encourage us to make “friends of the mammon of unrighteousness”? (Luke 16:9). The Doctrine and Covenants helps supply an answer. “This is wisdom, make unto yourselves friends with the mammon of unrighteousness, and they will not destroy you” (D&C 82:22). In other words, while reaching out to the world and trying to bring in as many as possible to the truth, be friendly and kindly disposed towards them in every righteous way.

Study Ideas

These ideas and topics are compiled from Come, Follow Me and have been adapted for specific situations. Check out the manuals online for more ideas, or come up with your own as you study!

For couples: 

In the wake of Easter, you might consider focusing your couple study on the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead. There are many lessons in these scriptures that you can study and apply together. For example, you could look at how Christ reacts to Mary and Martha and talk together about how to better mourn with those who mourn in your family and circle of friends. Or you could look at the way that Mary and Marth react to the Savior as compared to the others who were there and talk about how you can show more faith in the Savior in times of trial.

For singles: 

In this week’s readings, there are several parables about lost things. As you study this week, you might consider focusing on these parables. Consider what it was that the Pharisees said that caused Christ to share these parables. How are the parables different? How are they the same? If you’re feeling lost and forgotten, you might think about how these parables apply to you and how much the Lord loves you. Or you could think of another person in your life who is “lost” and struggling and focus some extra effort on helping them feel “found” this week by you and the Savior. 

For families with young children:

If you have young children still at home, you may consider spending some time during your family study talking about the story of the 10 lepers and the importance of gratitude. Consider brainstorming a list of things your family is grateful for or making a family gratitude jar or journal that family members can add to during the week and that you can read through together the next week. 

For families with teens: 

Life as a teenager can sometimes be overwhelming, and things that don’t really matter can seem to be the most important. If you have teenagers in your family, you might consider focusing on the following five parables in this week’s study scriptures: The foolish rich man, the great supper, the prodigal son, the unjust steward, and the rich man and Lazarus. As you go through these stories, you could make a chart of what each person in the stories thought was the most important, and what they learned was actually the most important. To help family members apply this learning, you might have them write down one or two “earthy treasures” or “Mammon” in their personal life or in the family’s life that aren’t as important as they seem and one or two “heavenly treasures” they want to focus on obtaining and being grateful for this week.

Stay in the loop on Come, Follow Me discussions and insights throughout the week by following the Brightly Beams Instagram account, or check out this week's related Come, Follow Me FHE lesson: Gratitude.

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