This week’s readings: Matthew 8–9; Mark 2–5
Don’t forget to record your impressions and read the ideas an outline in the new Come, Follow Me manuals on
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Scripture Insight
This scriptural insight comes from Verse by Verse: Volume 1 by Andrew C. Skinner and D. Kelly Ogden.
The physical setting of the Sea of Galilee lends itself to sudden storms or tempests. The lake sits in the Jordan Rift Valley at nearly 700 feet below sea level (see Bible Map 14). Because of the hills on the west, north, and east, winds can whip down the western slopes and create formidable waves on the relatively small body of water. Seasoned fishermen in the middle of the lake can be frightened for their lives.
Study Ideas
These ideas and topics are compiled from Come, Follow Me and have been adapted for specific situations. Check out the manuals online for more ideas, or come up with your own as you study!
For couples:
One of the stories in this week’s reading is of the man with palsy whose friends brought him to be healed. You may want to focus your couple study on these scriptures and maybe even read Elder Chi Hong (Sam) Wong’s November 2014 conference talk focused on this story, “Rescue in Unity.” As you do so, consider discussing as a couple who in your life (children, siblings, friends, ministering brothers and sisters, etc.) may need some “rescuing” and make a plan as a couple of how you will uplift that person this week.
For singles:
This week’s chapters include at least two stories of people who felt unworthy of the Lord’s help in one way or another, but whom the Lord still blessed. As you are studying this week, consider these two accounts as you identify ways in your own life that you might feel unworthy of the Lord’s help and how He will help you as you reach out to Him.
For families with young children:
If you have young children at home, this week’s study may be a good opportunity to talk about fear and peace by focusing your family study on the story of Christ calming the storm. Consider briefly reviewing the story, inviting your children to do some actions along with you as you talk about the storm and the fear that the apostles had. You can then have family members tell about times when they have been scared and help them recognize that Christ can always bring peace to our hearts when we are scared.
For families with teens:
Consider focusing your study this week on miracles. There are many miracles listed in this week’s readings. What can you learn from each of them? You may want to make a list together as a family of some of the miracles you read about, and then make another list of miracles or ways you have seen the Lord’s hand in your own family, individually or collectively. This might be a good opportunity for your family to reflect on how the Lord continues to heal us and the role that faith has in allowing the Lord to perform personal miracles today. You might even learn about a few things going on in the lives of your teenagers as you discuss this topic.
Stay in the loop on Come, Follow Me discussions and insights throughout the week by following the Brightly BeamsInstagram account, or check out this week's related Come, Follow Me FHE lesson: Reaching for Christ.
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