This week’s readings: Romans 7–16
Don’t forget to record your impressions and read the ideas outlined in the new Come, Follow Me manuals on
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Scripture Insight
This scriptural insight comes fromVerse by Verse: Volume 2 by Andrew C. Skinner and D. Kelly Ogden.
“Predestinate” appears four times in the Bible (though the word predestination does not occur at all). There is nothing in the Greek implying loss of agency; the word literally means “to determine [our potential destiny] beforehand.” The word foreordain more aptly describes the concept. Indeed, the Lord has foreordained, or called and elected, each of us to membership in his kingdom. Confirming that ordination, or making that calling and election sure, is now up to us.
Study Ideas
These ideas and topics are compiled from Come, Follow Me and have been adapted for specific situations. Check out the manuals online for more ideas, or come up with your own as you study!
For couples:
Being part of a marriage or a family requires different people with different opinions to work together. This can sometimes be difficult. As you study Romans this week, consider spending some time focusing on chapter 14 and reflecting on when you might have let judgment or personal preferences creep in and cause contention in relationships in your life. You could share these with each other in your couple study or simply talk about ways to reduce judgment and pick a few to work on together this week.
For singles:
Many of us have varying degrees of understanding about what predestinate and foreordain mean. As you read about these terms in this week’s readings, you might take some extra time to study what exactly they mean. You can use the Guide to the Scriptures, Gospel Topics pages, or other scriptures and Church resources to learn more about these topics. You might also consider reviewing your patriarchal blessing if you have it and ponder how those blessings and promises fit in with these concepts and what the words “predestinate” and “foreordain” mean for you.
For families with young children:
One of the themes in this week’s reading is God’s love and our ability to inherit all that He has for us. Your children may not understand what the words “heir” or “inherit” mean. Perhaps you can take some time in your family study this week to talk about what these words mean and what kind of things we will inherit from our Father if we are righteous. You could explain these concepts using the example of a king with sons and daughters who will one day rule, or simply illustrate it by explaining how it works in your own family.
For families with teens:
The Come, Follow Me study guide for this week points out that Paul’s epistle in Romans 8 came just a few years before the Saints in Rome were severely persecuted. As you study this chapter together as a family, you might consider building a chart together or individually with three columns: My trials, scripture principles, and how I can overcome my trials. As you read Paul’s counsel, you could have your family members fill the chart in with specific trials they are facing, what Paul says in this chapter about how to react to these trials and suffering, and specific goals or ideas that can help your family members stay close to their Father in Heaven throughout their trials. Alternatively, you could pick an example of someone your family knows who has been a good example of handling their trials with faith and talk about how they exemplify this chapter.
Stay in the loop on Come, Follow Me discussions and insights throughout the week by following the Brightly Beams Instagram account, or check out this week's related Come, Follow Me FHE lesson: Feed the Good.
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