The Church has released new coloring books for the Pearl of Great Price and Book of Mormon. The Church is providing these coloring books under the series Scripture Stories Coloring Books in order to encourage scripture study among family and children and help make learning about scripture stories fun.
The Scripture Stories Coloring Book: Pearl of Great Price and Scripture Stories Coloring Book: Book of Mormon are perfect for family home evenings, Sabbath day and general conference activities, and daily scripture study. The coloring books will help young children grow to love the scriptures through reading one-sentence scripture summaries, coloring pictures depicting the stories, and enjoying other activities included in the books.

The Scripture Stories Coloring Book: Book of Mormon has been updated from last year’s version to now have 32 pages and brings more beloved stories from the Book of Mormon like Abish gathering the Lamanites to see the conversion of the king and queen, Captain Moroni’s fortifications, and Jesus instituting the sacrament among the Nephites.

The Scripture Stories Coloring Book: Pearl of Great Price contains coloring pages of the First Vision, Moses’ conversation with God, and the Creation; it also includes pages to help children visualize and memorize the Articles of Faith.
Both coloring books are available as either hard copies for 95 cents through Church distribution centers,, Deseret Book and other LDS bookstores, and online, or they can be downloaded as a PDF for free. PDFs can be downloaded either as individual pages or the entire book.
Download for free: Pearl of Great Price | Book of Mormon
Editions of the of the Scriptures Stories Coloring Books featuring the Doctrine and Covenants, Old Testament, and New Testament will be released later this year.
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