Teaching and serving in the Church through virtual means is an exciting opportunity to reach out to others. But at the same time, virtual teaching presents unique challenges. The Church has put together severalideas and suggestions to ensure each virtual meeting is successful and filled with the Spirit.
Many principles related to teaching the gospel will never change—no matter if meetings are held in person or through virtual means. For example, loving those you teach and encouraging active participation are ways to invite the Spirit to testify to all who are present for the meeting.
Asking for participation in a virtual meeting can sometimes feel difficult or uncomfortable, but there are many ways teachers can encourage everyone to participate. Asking inspired questions such as, “What did you learn this week that you feel others need to know?” and “What did you find that strengthened your faith in Jesus Christ?” may be helpful to get a discussion started. Encouraging participants to type questions and comments in a chat window or virtually raise their hands may also be beneficial.
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Although virtual teaching may be challenging and even frustrating at times, the article from the Church reassures the Spirit’s guidance in this sacred calling. “Remember, you have been called by God to teach His children and invite them to come unto Christ,” the article states.
Read the full article from the Church hereto learn about more ideas to make each virtual meeting a positive experience for everyone involved. The article also gives several practical suggestions to ensure technology is working properly.