The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has changed its guidelines regarding burying deceased endowed women, allowing the option of veiling their faces prior to burial.
"Veiling an endowed woman's face prior to burial is optional," a letter from the First Presidency reads. "This may be done if the sister expressed such a desire while she was living. In cases where the wishes of the deceased sister on this matter are not known, her family should be consulted."

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Previously, deceased endowed women could be unveiled "until time to close the casket, at which time it is drawn over the face by someone who is approved by the bishop," according to the Church's "Instructions for Clothing the Dead Who Have Received Their Endowments."
All endowed Church members who have not been excommunicated at the time of their death should be buried in their temple clothing when they die, according to "Instructions for Clothing the Dead Who Have Received Their Endowments." However, there are exceptions for when "cultural traditions or burial practices make this inappropriate or difficult," in which case, "the clothing may be folded and placed next to the body in the casket."
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