From the Church

Church Announces 6 New Stakes and 61 New Stake Presidencies in November 2017


From Utah to Scotland and Taiwan to Cote D'Ivoire, learn more about the new stake presidents the Church announced in November.

A new stake has been created from the Abobo Cote d’Ivoire East and Abobo Cote d’Ivoire West stakes. The Anonkoua Cote d’Ivoire Stake, which consists of the Anonkoua 2nd, Anonkoua 3rd, Banco, Bocabo, Celeste, and Sodeci branches and the Agnissankoi, Anonkoua 1st, Assomin, Avocatier, and Sagbe wards, was created by Elder Larry S. Kacher, General Authority Seventy, and Elder Z. Dominique Dekaye, an Area Seventy.

ANONKOUA COTE D’IVOIRE STAKE (September 10, 2017): President—Ali Badara Serce Traore, 40, department head, Mosaid Telcom; wife, Baly Agathe Kaloto. Counselors—Jean Marie Soman Toto, 45, communications manager, SARL Gonan; wife, Veronique Kouame Affoue. Didler Yobo, 45, heavy truck driver; wife, N’Guessan Ouffoué Fabiola Kouame.

A new stake has been created from the Guayaquil Ecuador Juan Montalvo and the Guayaquil Ecuador Prosperina stakes. The Guayaquil Ecuador Fortin Stake, which consists of the 31 de Octubre Branch and the Elvira, Fortin, Nueva Prosperina, Nuevo Paraiso, and Sinai wards, was created by Elder Carlos A Godoy, General Authority Seventy, and Elder David A. Benalcázar, an Area Seventy.

GUAYAQUIL ECUADOR FORTIN STAKE (September 3, 2017): President—Enrique Patricio Arevalo Naranjo, 41, auto mechanic; wife, Mayra Soraya Maridueña Arana. Counselors—Rene Jonathan Merchán Pazmiño, 33, tailor; wife, Beatriz Mercedes Huilcapi Suqui. Oscar David Espinoza Meneses, 38, service technician; wife, Karina Elizabeth Contreras Pino.

A new stake has been created from the Los Chillos Ecuador and Quito Ecuador stakes. The Los Chillos Ecuador San Rafael Stake, which consists of the Cumbayá, San Rafael, Sangolqui, Selva Alegre, and Yaruquí wards, was created by Elder Hugo Montoya, General Authority Seventy, and Elder Guillermo I. Guardia, an Area Seventy.

LOS CHILLOS ECUADOR SAN RAFAEL STAKE (September 3, 2017): President—Pablo Daniel Guaminga Guerrero, 36, assistant manager, LDS Church; wife, Cristina Elizabeth Espin Carrera. Counselors—Franklin Xavier Rodriguez Cajas, 47, sub-manager of planning, Andes Petroleum; wife, Flory Revelo Carrera. Oscar Segundo Buenaño Velasquez, 41, manager, Vidrio de Seguridad; wife, Veronica Catalina Cadena Barahona.

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