Many stakes have been created or reorganized recently, meaning the Church has called 37 new stake presidents in May 2016. Find out which stakes were impacted by these changes as well as more about these men who have been called to serve.
Reorganized stakes
BLOOMFIELD NEW MEXICO STAKE (April 10, 2016): President—Stephen Michael Elsbury, 54, superintendent control systems, Westmoreland Coal; succeeding T. LeRoy Dugger; wife, Kathleen Kay Kennedy Elsbury. Counselors—Loyd Glen Lillywhite, 65, veterinarian; wife, Jaynann Bench Lillywhite. Heber Cecil Henke, 37, self-employed; wife, Boston Hatch Henke.
BOISE IDAHO YSA STAKE (March 13, 2016): President—Frank William Muir, 60, president/CEO, Idaho Potato Commission; succeeding Robert L. Phillips; wife, Cynthia Booth Muir. Counselors—Daniel Ray Cambron, 54, solutions architect, Internet Truckstop; wife, Kirsten Smith Cambron. Marc Patten Grow, 42, physical therapist; wife, Cynthia Carol Christensen Grow.
BOUNTIFUL UTAH YSA STAKE (April 17, 2016): President—Mark Harold Bouchard, 61, senior managing director, CBRE; succeeding Jacob L. Boyer; wife, Karen Elaine Robbins Bouchard. Counselors—Bradford James Brower, 60, self-employed; wife, Tammara Ballard Brower. Clark Leon Whitworth, 57, CEO, LHM Group; wife, Jennifer Rasmussen Whitworth.
CEDAR CITY UTAH WEST STAKE (April 17, 2016): President—Michael Wallace Heap, 49, institute teacher, LDS Church; succeeding Eric J. Schmutz; wife, Connie Barton Heap. Counselors—Vance J. Whetman, 56, loan officer, Southwest Community College; wife, Eileen Franke Whetman. Thomas Folland Bryson Jr., 54, journeyman lineman, Rocky Mountain Power; wife, Sharon Heaton Bryson.